Tuesday, October 26, 2010

2. Choose the right kind of merchandise.

Wicker basket displays offer a rustic charm most plastics and acrylics can’t provide. If you’re interested in using wicker baskets to display merchandise in your retail store, check out the five steps below for help getting started.

1. Decide on a display space.

Wicker baskets come in a variety of sizes and styles. You can find them as individual baskets or attached to racks designed for floor or countertop displays.

Take a look around your store and figure out where you want to position your wicker basket display. Are there any displays you want to replace? Do you have any empty space you want to fill? Do you need to create a point-of-purchase (POP) display or would your display do well near your store’s entrance?

2. Choose the right kind of merchandise.

Like plastic containers, wicker baskets can display nearly anything you can fit in them; however, you do want to pay attention to both the merchandise’s weight and makeup.

For example, although they’re durable, the baskets aren’t the best choice for displaying heavy items like watermelons. Think of smaller kinds of merchandise like candy, miniature children’s toys, hobby and craft items, or even travel-sized hygiene products. Also, you’ll want to make sure whatever merchandise you sell is wrapped (unless it’s produce like apples, lemons, nuts, or oranges). Wicker baskets don’t provide the same kind of protection as plastic and acrylic containers, so if you choose edible merchandise like candy, make sure it’s wrapped.

3. Order your wicker baskets.

This is actually a two-part step.

First, you need to find a wicker basket distributor or two. Compare wicker baskets and get familiar with what’s available to you. You might even want to print a few pictures from their websites of the baskets you like the best.

Second, you need to take another look at your display space. You’ve already determined where you want the wicker basket display to sit, but now that you know which baskets and fixtures you want to use, do you have enough space?

4. Give the display a test run.

Once you have your wicker baskets and have decided on where to situate them and what to display, set up your display and give it a test run. Pay attention to your customers’ reactions (do they pay attention to the display? does the display provide convenience?) and move forward from there.

5. Make use of your old plastic containers and other display fixtures.

Now that you’ve created your wicker basket display, it’s time to figure out what to do with your old plastic containers and other display fixtures.

If your fixtures are in decent shape, you might want to hang on to them for future use, or you might want to donate or sell them to local charities, nonprofits, similar businesses, or even individuals.

If they’re not in the best shape, consider taking them to you local recycling center.

Article Tags:
Using Wicker Baskets, Using Wicker, Wicker Baskets, Wicker Basket

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