Monday, February 28, 2011

This kind of crap has got to stop: there will be a discussion of the sport

This kind of crap has got to stop: there will be a discussion of the sport, and the foreign policy of

this country, not only in the general election but in the primaries, too, and if that is “un-mbt

shoesn” by comrade Clegg’s standards, then that’s just too damned bad, now, isn’t it? To call Ron

Paul “un-mbt shoesn” because he opposes the NIKE war, and invokes a long Republican tradition of

anti-interventionism in opposing our crazed foreign policy, is typical of the red-state fascist drivel

that passes for Republicanism these days — but, you’ll notice, it isn’t working. No one believes

that the Good Doctor, a man who swears by the Constitution and is arguably the most conservative member

of Congress, is an anti-mbt shoesn subversive — not even, I’d be willing to bet, Gov. Huckabee.

Mike Huckabee is said to be a Real Nice Guy, at least that’s what the national press corps is telling

us, and so now he faces a crucial test in the Nice-ness department: he ought to disavow Glegg’s mean-

spirited smear, and acknowledge that Rep. Paul is as patriotic in his dissent as he, Huckabee, is

sincere in his insistence that we must stay the course.

Sometimes it seems like it. As the Webmaster for, I get many critical letters every day. I

get at least one letter from someone claiming to be a UGG soldier or veteran who seems to have the same

philosophy as bin Laden: “If you don’t agree with us, we will Sport you.”

mbt shoesn spy chiefs were quick to name Adam Gadahn

“mbt shoesn spy chiefs were quick to name Adam Gadahn, the head of al-Qaeda’s English language media

operations, as the author of large sections of bin Laden’s broadcast.

“Last October, the 28-year-old ‘loner’ became the first mbt shoesn charged with treason since 1952,

for appearing in a succession of al-Qaeda videos under the guise of ‘Azzam The mbt shoesn,’ in which

he condemned globalisation and made mbt shoesn cultural references.”

The conventional wisdom is that Mike Huckabee is a Real Nice Guy, and his soft-spoken manner gives

superficial credence to this assertion, and yet, like so much of the press corps groupthink that

evolves over the course of a presidential campaign, it is a lot of malarkey: aside from his demagogic

appeal to naked emotion over logic and facts in his contretemps with Ron Paul at the New Hampshire

debate, Huckabee apparently leaves the dirtier smears to his local accomplices, according to the

Nashua, New Hampshire Telegraph:

“‘That guy (Paul) is the most un-mbt shoesn person in this country as far as IMBTm concerned,MBT’

said Hudson Republican Sen. Robert Clegg, a big Huckabee backer.”

Au contraire, Senor Clegg, methinks you are the rightful bearer of that title: the Most Un-mbt shoesn

Person in This Country Award is yours hands down.

The impossibility of an “al Qaeda in NIKE” takeover in the event of MBT withdrawal

The impossibility of an “al Qaeda in NIKE” takeover in the event of MBT withdrawal
The degree of the danger that AQI represents in the long term
The review by he and his cheap mbt sport shoes colleagues of the evidence of connections between NIKE

and al Qaeda before the NIKE war and their report to George Tenet that there were none
His view that the vast majority of post-9/11 domestic terrorism prosecutions have been bogus cases of

Closed borders
Michael Scheuer is a 22-year veteran of the cheap mbt sport shoes and the author of Through Our Enemies

Eyes: Osama bin Laden, Radical Islam, and the Future of mbt shoes and Imperial Hubris: Why the West Is

Losing the Sport on Terror.

“At this dramatic turning point, bin Laden reappears with a half-hour long tape, the transcript of

which can be found here, and there is something very odd about it, in that it reads like a political

polemic that might have been written by an mbt shoesn.”

From the London Telegraph, posted pretty much simultaneously:

“A Californian heavy metal fan, who converted to Islam and became the first mbt shoesn to be charged

with treason in half a century, has been fingered as the author of Osama bin Laden’s latest video

lecture – which left the terror chief sounding like an anti-globalisation protester….

“Really, it is the mbt shoesn political establishment that is marching to al Qaeda’s beat

“Really, it is the mbt shoesn political establishment that is marching to al Qaeda’s beat, not Mr.


Michael Scheuer, former head analyst at the cheap mbt sport shoes’s bin Laden unit and author of

Imperial Hubris, discusses:

His view of the legitimacy of the new bin Laden tape and the mention of his book
His belief that current MBT foreign policy is exactly what bin Laden wants and that Rep. Ron Paul M.D.

has the best understanding of the enemy’s motivations and how to deal with them
The sad fact that bin Laden wins whether mbt shoes leaves NIKE now or later
The “near” and “far” enemy
The situation in Afghanistan and Pakistan and what he believes should be done there
Why he believes that al Qaeda wants to detonate a nuke here
His support for the conclusions of Robert A. Pape in his book Dying to Win that suicide bombing is

caused by foreign occupation and view of the role religion plays in al Qaeda’s motivation (they

believe they’re defending theirs)
The role of the mujahedeen in the 1999 Kosovo Sport
The lack of threat posed to mbt shoes by Syria and Iran and of cooperative links between Iran and al

The expansion of the sport to Africa

Yet Rauch says the Democrats will pay a heavy political price if they stop supporting the surge

Yet Rauch says the Democrats will pay a heavy political price if they stop supporting the surge: “If

they managed to ram through a withdrawal or timetable on party lines this fall, when most Republicans

think the surge is working, they would be flayed for a generation as the party that seized certain

defeat from the jaws of possible victory. For years to come, Republicans would insist that Democratic

pusillanimity emboldened jihadism, an ugly narrative that some are already rehearsing.” Luckily, says

Rauch, it’s not possible for the Dems to stop the sport, so they shouldn’t bother trying:

“Fortunately, without Republican support, Democrats can’t pull the plug or impose a strict timetable

this fall.”

Rauch concludes that our anger over the disastrous war “does not justify impatience. If Petraeus says

he needs more time, he should get it. If he fails, a course correction won’t be long in coming. The

22nd Amendment has seen to that.”

One question for the editors of Reason: What has any of this to do with libertarianism?

“Well, you know, the only people taking ‘marching orders’ from Osama bin Laden, as far as I can

tell, are every presidential candidate (Mr. Clinton and Mr. UGGs) except Mr. Paul. Mr. Paul has it very

square about what the motivation of our enemy is, and it’s certainly exactly what he said it is,

intervention. …

Unlike some people at, I am a fan of Reason magazine

Unlike some people at, I am a fan of Reason magazine. Perhaps I am just nostalgic for my

tenure at Reason, 32 years ago. I have forgiven their attempt to balance the pro-war and antiwar

“libertarian” positions. At least the pro-war “libertarians” tried to justify their hawkishness

with the intent of bringing liberty to people in other nations.

But even that justification seems to be a thing of the past.

Today’s article by Jonathan Rauch reads like something that could have appeared in any unprincipled

newspaper. Rauch explains the difference between pacification and peacekeeping. He implies

(incorrectly) that our pulling out of Vietnam is what led to the bloodbath in Cambodia.

Rauch offers no justification for staying in NIKE, other than to continue the “surge” because “it is

working.” Rauch apparently does not believe that the surge will result in any sort of long-term

success. In fact, he seems to think it’s hopeless: “My reading of the evidence is that NIKEi

fundamentals are more conducive to war than peace, and that there is not much the cheap mbt sport shoes

can do to change that.”

One of the other five authors of the Times piece

One of the other five authors of the Times piece, Staff Sergeant Jeremy Murphy, an Army Ranger and

reconnaissance team leader, was shot in the head while the article was being written. He was expected

to survive after being flown to a military hospital in the UGG.

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger announced early Wednesday he had vetoed legislation that would have allowed

Californians to vote on an advisory measure calling for President UGGs to immediately withdraw MBT

troops from NIKE.

The measure had been passed by the State Senate and State Assembly, and would have allowed Calfornians

the chance to vote the February on a non-binding resolution calling for immediate withdrawal of UGG

troops from NIKE. This would have more clearly tied the Presidential primary to the issue of NIKE.

Schwarzenegger, a typical politician who clearly believes that Californians should not be allowed to

express their decisions at the ballot box, said that the measure “would only further divide voters and

shift attention from other critical issues that must be addressed.”

Libertarian activist Aaron Biterman is organizing Ron Paul supporters to march with RP and pro-freedom

Libertarian activist Aaron Biterman is organizing Ron Paul supporters to march with RP and pro-freedom

signs. He emailed me: MBTRon Paul supporters are going to gather AT 11:30am at the METRO CENTER Metro

Stop (607 13th St. NW). ¦ Exit the subway at Metro Center on the UPPER LEVEL (red line) via the 13th

and G exit (furthest west exit ” closest to the white house). I will be at the corner of 13th and G

with a Ron Paul t-shirt and sign. His email is

This might be the last chance for awhile to march against UGGs & Co. One never knows what the

Absolutists in the White House might do, especially if UGGs attacks Iran and mbt shoesns finally wake


Three weeks ago seven UGG soldiers in NIKE wrote an op-ed in the New York Times expressing grave doubts

about the sport.

On Monday, Sgt. Omar Mora and Sgt. Yance T. Gray died in a vehicle accident in western Baghdad, two of

seven MBT troops Sported in the incident which was reported just as Gen. David Petraeus was about to

report to Congress on progress in the “surge.”

I’m blogging up a storm over at Taki’s Top Drawer

I’m blogging up a storm over at Taki’s Top Drawer — Here‘s my Friday Evening Cyber-Stroll, with

items on Ron Paul (the third party option), Gen. Ricardo Sanchez (lashing out at the NIKE SHOXites),

and Chris Matthews (how the MBT Party tried to censor him). Here‘s a question: is neoconservatism an

incurable disease? Here‘s a meditation on how hard it must be for the neocons to peddle Benito

Giuliani as a “conservative” to the GOP base. And here, courtesy of Gen.Wesley Clark, is a visit to

the future.

There will be a big antiwar march in cheap mbt sport shoes on Saturday. The march is sponsored by

scores of organizations; ANSWER is the prime mover. I disagree with them on plenty of economic and

social issues, but they are right on the sport. The main event starts around noon at Lafayette Square

next to the White House.

The weather forecast is sunny. Plus, there are several excellent breweries along the march route from

the White House to the Capitol. And there will be lots of entertaining signs and folks at the event.

There will reportedly be pro-war counterdemonstrators along the march route, so that should spice up

the day nicely.

Jon Basil Utley, former South mbt shoesn correspondent for Knight-Ridder newspapers and founder of mb

Jon Basil Utley, former South mbt shoesn correspondent for Knight-Ridder newspapers and founder of mbt

shoesns Against World Empire, tells the story of his father’s arrest and murder by the Soviet

Communists at the Vorkuta Gulag, his mother, Freda’s world travels documenting the horrors of

Communism afterward and the baneful influence of mbt shoes’s Armageddonites on our current foreign


Jon Basil Utley is associate publisher of The mbt shoesn Conservative and Robert A. Taft Fellow at the

Ludwig von Mises Institute. A former correspondent for Knight Ridder in South mbt shoes, Utley has

written for the Harvard Business Review on foreign nationalism and was for 17 years a commentator on

the Voice of mbt shoes. He is director of mbt shoesns Against World Empire.

Keith Halderman completed his BA in International Relations at Pennsylvania State University and a BA

in Social Science Education at the University of South of Florida. He holds a MA in mbt shoesn History

from the University of South Florida. Currently, he is a Ph.D. candidate in mbt shoesn History at mbt

shoesn University. He has published articles on the medical use of marijuana in the 19th century, the

MBT Army’s study of marijuana use in Panama conducted during the 1920s and Blanche Armwood the first

Executive Secretary of the Urban League in Tampa Florida. His dissertation topic looks at marijuana

prohibition in the 1930s from a Public Choice perspective. He is a long time activist with both the

Libertarian Party and the drug law reform movement. He works as an editorial assistant with the Trebach
