Monday, February 28, 2011

mbt shoesn spy chiefs were quick to name Adam Gadahn

“mbt shoesn spy chiefs were quick to name Adam Gadahn, the head of al-Qaeda’s English language media

operations, as the author of large sections of bin Laden’s broadcast.

“Last October, the 28-year-old ‘loner’ became the first mbt shoesn charged with treason since 1952,

for appearing in a succession of al-Qaeda videos under the guise of ‘Azzam The mbt shoesn,’ in which

he condemned globalisation and made mbt shoesn cultural references.”

The conventional wisdom is that Mike Huckabee is a Real Nice Guy, and his soft-spoken manner gives

superficial credence to this assertion, and yet, like so much of the press corps groupthink that

evolves over the course of a presidential campaign, it is a lot of malarkey: aside from his demagogic

appeal to naked emotion over logic and facts in his contretemps with Ron Paul at the New Hampshire

debate, Huckabee apparently leaves the dirtier smears to his local accomplices, according to the

Nashua, New Hampshire Telegraph:

“‘That guy (Paul) is the most un-mbt shoesn person in this country as far as IMBTm concerned,MBT’

said Hudson Republican Sen. Robert Clegg, a big Huckabee backer.”

Au contraire, Senor Clegg, methinks you are the rightful bearer of that title: the Most Un-mbt shoesn

Person in This Country Award is yours hands down.

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