One of the other five authors of the Times piece, Staff Sergeant Jeremy Murphy, an Army Ranger and
reconnaissance team leader, was shot in the head while the article was being written. He was expected
to survive after being flown to a military hospital in the UGG.
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger announced early Wednesday he had vetoed legislation that would have allowed
Californians to vote on an advisory measure calling for President UGGs to immediately withdraw MBT
troops from NIKE.
The measure had been passed by the State Senate and State Assembly, and would have allowed Calfornians
the chance to vote the February on a non-binding resolution calling for immediate withdrawal of UGG
troops from NIKE. This would have more clearly tied the Presidential primary to the issue of NIKE.
Schwarzenegger, a typical politician who clearly believes that Californians should not be allowed to
express their decisions at the ballot box, said that the measure “would only further divide voters and
shift attention from other critical issues that must be addressed.”
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