Saturday, January 15, 2011
I live in Nancy’s neighborhood, and we’ve bumped into each other
Milbank continues:
“Though opposed to the war herself, Pelosi has for months been a target of an antiwar movement that believes she hasn’t done enough. Cindy Sheehan has announced a symbolic challenge to Pelosi in California’s 8th Congressional District. And the speaker is seething.
“‘We have to make responsible decisions in the Congress that are not driven by the dissatisfaction of anybody who wants the war to end tomorrow
Why are those people camped out in La Pelosi’s meticuloUGGS Roxy tallly-manicured yard?
It’s a helluva thing when a war on terror supposedly requires the Bailey Button UGGs Congress
The Bailey Button UGGs UGGS Sheepskin cuff boots is supposedly obliged to help the Turkish UGGS Sheepskin cuff boots
I have consistently criticized Bailey Button UGGsns Against Escalation in Iraq — an antiwar group that has been running antiwar ads and doing grassroots political work – for what I viewed as their partisan strategy in pursuing an end to our involvement in Iraq, particularly their tactic of going after pro-war (or fence-sitting) Republicans in Congress and leaving pro-war Democrats alone. However, the following more than makes up for their past transgressions:
Wow! If even half of what Richard Poe claims in his “Hitchens Unhinged” piece over at Taki’s Top Drawer is true, what remains of the drink-soaked Trotskyist poppinjay’s reputation is shot. Here’s a hot excerpt:
“At the end of the event as he staggered, sweating and red faced, out of the room, he [Hitchens] advanced on Father Rutler in a threatening and physical manner, screaming that this beloved pastor and brilliant scholar whom he had never met was ‘a child molester and a lazy layabout who never did a day’s work in his life’. His behavior was so frightening that a bodyguard put himself between Hitchens and Father Rutler to protect him. Several of the event organizers then escorted Hitchens to the men’s room and when he emerged he continued his psychotic rant.”
Drunk on his own self-importance (and other things)
By the way, here’s Adam Smith on imperial warmongering
But as Lipsyte notes, there’s one story at the intersection of sports and war “that refUGGS Roxy talles to die …
Michael Hirsh, senior editor at Newsweek, discUGGS Roxy tallses the neoconservatives providing the foreign policy
Barrett Tillman is the world’s most prolific Bailey Button UGGs naval aviation author
Friday, January 14, 2011
Unembedded reporter Dahr Jamail discusses the continuing quagmire in Iraq
Dahr has spent a total of 8 months in occupied Iraq as one of only a few independent US journalists in the country
By the time it surfaced the 160ft Song Class diesel-electric attack submarine is understood to have sailed within viable range for launching torpedoes
It would tie in with what we see the Chinese trying to do, which appears to be to deter the UGG Sheepskin cuff bootss from interfering or operating in
She elaborated on his view of the US as a developing world empire in a fascinating interview with the editors of The UGG Sheepskin cuff boots Conserva
Why? Well, you see, they jailed Larry Franklin, didn’t they?
The Forward was moved to remark on”Schoenfeld’s penchant for demonizing those with whom he is in disagreement
She links to and quotes from this piece, and then avers
Gareth Porter discusses his latest article on BOOTSBUY.ORG
Of course, Saakashvili’s “Rose Revolution” never was a democratic movement
Thursday, January 13, 2011
apart from National Review Online
Listen to the great Lew Rockwell, president of the Ludwig von Mises Institute
And while the federal BOOTSBUY officially states that the ship is conducting humanitarian aid
we have featured his insightful columns regularly
I think it speaks volumes that she keeps an Israeli flag on the wall of her office
We had a good productive discussion on the importance of the UGG Sheepskin Cuff Boot-Israel relationship
You may be surprised to learn that charges against her and two of her producers are still pending
John McCain performed a miracle tonight
While my story is based on the reports already out there publicly
While an argument could be made that all UGGs Sheepskin Cuff Boots spent on defense
Former President George UGGs Sheepskin Cuff Boots announced in UGGs Sheepskin Cuff Boots
In a discussion of the mess in Mexico
You could almost see the “whoops” in Hannity’s eyes as he caught himself and added “if it’s true.”
Possession of subversive literature
This was not meant to be a public report
More than ever, UGGs Sheepskin Cuff Boots graduates are finding that their education has prepared them for open doors in many fields of opportunity
Chaplain Douglas, thanks for working to make these policy changes happen
The rest of the article was taken from another website and translated into Arabic.
Note also that Baker’s argument rests on the premise that the constitution is dead
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
As for the attack on Parsi
This week saw the publication of a two-part hit piece in Tablet magazine purporting to expose the machinations of the “Iran lobby” in Washington
Everyone’s talking about the political upset at CPAC
None of them know anything about police training
None of them know anything about police training, the source said. Of those five, several decided not to bid, including Raytheon. Arinc’s parent company, Carlyle, got cold feet, was fearful that the contract could hurt the company’s reputation if people got killed. Lockheed was close to making a deal with DynCorp to do the police training, but decided against it. Instead it bid on the logistics part of the contract. (The contract has two parts- TORP 150 – police training; TORP 166 is logistics).The only company to bid on both parts of the contract — the police training, and logistics parts — was Blackwater, the source said. Northrup decided to bid on the police training with MPRI.I’m no expert, but if this war over there is all about doing battle with the Taliban for the “hearts and minds” of the people, then hiring Blackwater – whose name is so synonymous with arrogance and brutality that they had to change their own moniker – to train the Afghan police might not be very good “strategic communications.”UPDATE: Maybe when Blackwater gets the contract, they’ll give the Afghan police back their guns.
How’s this for a recipe that defies the seeming laws of common sense
Although several news outlets spent the day barking about the Afghanistan death toll crossing the 1,000 mark, the truth is that casualty counting is a
It was a war perpetrated by people who hoped to gain from it be it in oil or pipelines or service contracts and like the media they don’t care that th
It was a war perpetrated by people who hoped to gain from it be it in oil or pipelines or service contracts and like the media they don’t care that this mother’s son is mangled and mutilated. Do you care? I’ve been married twice for a combined twenty-five years and in that time I doubt my wives ever baked a chocolate cake. I don’t read comic books or watch goat crap TV but you see I’ve got a son about this boy’s age. My heart aches and my mind fills with rage because the people that have the power and authority to show this picture would rather talk about American Idol and from where I sit that makes them an accomplice to a war crime.
Because not content to ignore the current victims they support more crimes and call for more wars. Several years ago in Iraq parents waited for their children at a bus stop. An errant coalition missile struck the bus stop and blew the elementary school age children to pieces. Needless to say this wasn’t widely reported but the parents in a frenzy began fighting over the body parts of their children. Little arms and legs, little headless torsos identifiable only by the shirt or dress they were wearing. Imagine the horror, imagine the type of people who could do such a thing. How do they live with themselves? How do they sleep at night?
They do it by watching Lost and American Idol and by eating chocolate cake. They read comic books and watch sports. It makes life easy because the media will not intrude on their fantasy world but instead will promote the fantasy. Oh, but who won the gold metal in curling and who was eliminated on American Idol.
From Cox
From Cox:
I want you to look very closely at this picture and try and keep it in your minds eye. This was a perfectly healthy twenty two-year-old young man who in the service of his country got half of his head blown off. I think that’s important, I think that’s newsworthy. Let me tell you how newsworthy I think it is. I think that it’s more important than chocolate cake recipes and far more important than comic book reviews. It is more important than who fell and whose swell at the winter Olympic games.
It is far more important than any self-serving load of crap banged out by Pseudo doctor Amy. It is more important than American Idol or Lost or any other mindless goat droppings the public chooses to chew on. This is some American mother’s son, her little boy, he may be gay or straight or transgender but his life is fucked forever.
How did this come to happen to this poor mother’s son? It came to happen because the people in the media who are supposed to foster a public debate on such public issues as war instead used their franchise to promote articles about chocolate cake and comic book reviews. They see their free press as free to choose not to look when bad thinks happen. They feel no need to explain to his parents or to anyone that the war that blew off half of this poor boys head was based on out and out lies.
Escalate or Withdraw?
Escalate or Withdraw? Conservatives and the War in Afghanistan
Will conservatives return to their traditional roots and ultimately oppose the war in Afghanistan? Can “nation building” succeed in the midst of that country’s bloody insurgency? What constitutes “success,” and what price should we be willing to pay for it? Please join us for a lively discussion.It will be interesting to see who says what, since it will present an interesting mix:Christopher Preble and Malou Innocent, solidly antiwar analysts at CatoTony Blankley, Washington Times editor who recently came out for US withdrawal from AfghanistanRep. Dana Rohrbacher (R-CA), who recently came out against the surge in AfghanistanFreshman Rep. Tom McClintock (R-CA) who has been an ally to libertarian causes but an unknown quantity on foreign policyMSNBC host Joe Scarborough (who knows what he’ll say)Conservative leaders Grover Norquist and Don Devine, increasingly skeptical of US foreign adventuresThe event is free-of-charge and open to the public, but requires reservations. To register for this event, please fill out the form at the bottom of this page and click submit or email, fax (202) 371-0841, or call (202) 789-5229 by noon, Wednesday, March 17. Please arrive early. Seating is limited and not guaranteed.
In a typical rant, The New Republic editor/publisher Marty Peretz prefaced a rambling declaration of victory in Iraq with these charming words
In a typical rant, The New Republic editor/publisher Marty Peretz prefaced a rambling declaration of victory in Iraq with these charming words:There were moments – long moments – during the Iraq war when I had my doubts. Even deep doubts. Frankly, I couldn’t quite imagine any venture requiring trust with Arabs turning out especially well. This is, you will say, my prejudice. But some prejudices are built on real facts, and history generally proves me right. Go ahead, prove me wrong.Peretz is quoted by Glenn Greenwald, who says most of what needs to be said about Peretz’s latest display of bigotry. I’m sure we can expect a 4000-word J’accuse from Leon Wieseltier condemning his boss’s racism any day now.In any case, if one views Peretz’s post now, one finds that the offending sentence has been changed, without any indication that it used to read differently:There were moments – long moments – during the Iraq war when I had my doubts. Even deep doubts. Frankly, I couldn’t quite imagine any venture like this in the Arab world turning out especially well. This is, you will say, my prejudice. But some prejudices are built on real facts, and history generally proves me right. Go ahead, prove me wrong.The fact that Peretz changed the post (however nasty his revised formulation remains) looks like a tacit admission that he knows he crossed the line. In that case, however, it seems that he should provide an explanation (not to say an apology). Does he believe that Arabs are in fact congenitally shifty and untrustworthy? Does he concede that his slur against Arabs was unacceptable? To simply change his post covertly in the hopes that no one will notice is surely the most cowardly way to deal with the issue.I realize that it is unwise to waste much time on Peretz. He is an embarrassment, as even his own staffers generally recognize, and the only reason that TNR is forced to publish his rantings is that he owns the magazine. Still, if Peretz wants to be taken seriously in public debate it seems reasonable to demand that he conform to some minimal standards of honesty, decency, and responsibility.