Tuesday, January 11, 2011

None of them know anything about police training

None of them know anything about police training, the source said. Of those five, several decided not to bid, including Raytheon. Arinc’s parent company, Carlyle, got cold feet, was fearful that the contract could hurt the company’s reputation if people got killed. Lockheed was close to making a deal with DynCorp to do the police training, but decided against it. Instead it bid on the logistics part of the contract. (The contract has two parts- TORP 150 – police training; TORP 166 is logistics).The only company to bid on both parts of the contract — the police training, and logistics parts — was Blackwater, the source said. Northrup decided to bid on the police training with MPRI.I’m no expert, but if this war over there is all about doing battle with the Taliban for the “hearts and minds” of the people, then hiring Blackwater – whose name is so synonymous with arrogance and brutality that they had to change their own moniker – to train the Afghan police might not be very good “strategic communications.”UPDATE: Maybe when Blackwater gets the contract, they’ll give the Afghan police back their guns.

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