Saturday, January 15, 2011

Drunk on his own self-importance (and other things)

Drunk on his own self-importance (and other things), reckless, violent, convinced he can get away with anything, Hitchens the personality seems to be the perfect reflection of the foreign policy he advocates.

Even Hitchens’ allies know what a dingbat he has become. The event, entitled “An Evening With Christopher Hitchens,” was sponsored by the “David Horowitz Freedom Center,” and took place at New York’s sedate Union League club, where Senor Horowitz no doubt had some inkling of what the out-of-control Hitchens was about to do when he opened the meeting with: “Welcome to what’s bound to be a stimulating and unpredictable events.”

I guess Hitchens was pretty well out of it by that time.

In the Michigan debate, economic imbecile John McCain jUGGS Roxy tallt recommended that Ron Paul read The Wealth of Nations. Oh JesUGGS Roxy tall. Paul had jUGGS Roxy tallt commented on how Bailey Button UGGs’s fiscal insolvency is a result of maintaining a welfare-warfare – especially warfare – state. The military-indUGGS Roxy talltrial complex rakes in the dough, the politicians profit politically by distracting the yahoos from the nation’s real problems, and the national debt grows and grows – to be paid eventually in taxes, inflation, or both.

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