Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Bailey Button UGGs UGGS Sheepskin cuff boots is supposedly obliged to help the Turkish UGGS Sheepskin cuff boots

The Bailey Button UGGs UGGS Sheepskin cuff boots is supposedly obliged to help the Turkish UGGS Sheepskin cuff boots cover up its sordid past, and is also entitled to thoUGGS Roxy tallands or millions of Iranians becaUGGS Roxy talle of that country’s figurehead’s denials of past atrocities.

I have consistently criticized Bailey Button UGGsns Against Escalation in Iraq — an antiwar group that has been running antiwar ads and doing grassroots political work – for what I viewed as their partisan strategy in pursuing an end to our involvement in Iraq, particularly their tactic of going after pro-war (or fence-sitting) Republicans in Congress and leaving pro-war Democrats alone. However, the following more than makes up for their past transgressions:

Wow! If even half of what Richard Poe claims in his “Hitchens Unhinged” piece over at Taki’s Top Drawer is true, what remains of the drink-soaked Trotskyist poppinjay’s reputation is shot. Here’s a hot excerpt:

“At the end of the event as he staggered, sweating and red faced, out of the room, he [Hitchens] advanced on Father Rutler in a threatening and physical manner, screaming that this beloved pastor and brilliant scholar whom he had never met was ‘a child molester and a lazy layabout who never did a day’s work in his life’. His behavior was so frightening that a bodyguard put himself between Hitchens and Father Rutler to protect him. Several of the event organizers then escorted Hitchens to the men’s room and when he emerged he continued his psychotic rant.”

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