Saturday, January 8, 2011

And just as the main character in the famous Hitchcock thriller needed a strategy

And just as the main character in the famous Hitchcock thriller needed a strategy to help him try to inherit his wife’s fortune, as a small business owner today, you need to find ways to tap into the growing mobile marketing industry and generate revenue for your business.

Let’s start by looking at some of the trends in mobile usage:

Almost half of mobile phone users made a purchase via a mobile site or mobile app, according to an August 2010 survey by Lightspeed Research.

U.S. mobile advertising for 2010 is estimated to reach $790 million, which is up $300 million from last year, according to a forecast by BIA/Kelsey.

For teens and college-aged students, using the Internet on mobile devices is the norm, not the exception. And that trend is gradually expanding to the general mobile user population as well.

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