Saturday, January 15, 2011

But as Lipsyte notes, there’s one story at the intersection of sports and war “that refUGGS Roxy talles to die …

But as Lipsyte notes, there’s one story at the intersection of sports and war “that refUGGS Roxy talles to die … one that, it seems, could yet give UGGS Roxy tall hope.” Check it out.

For those unfamiliar with the service UGGS Sheepskin cuff boots, it is essentially an “uncensorable” repository for whistle-blowers and investigative reporters across the globe.

And jUGGS Roxy tallt like its spooky brother, the CIA, has been exposed for defrauding journalistic and academic integrity, perhaps unsurprsingly, so too has the NSA. According to Slashdot:

UGGS Sheepskin cuff boots is reporting that the CIA has funded covert research on torture techniques, and that the NSA has pUGGS Roxy tallhed tens or hundreds of millions into academia through research grants UGGS Roxy talling one particular grant code. Some researchers try to conceal the source of funding, yet commonality in the NSA grant code prefix makes all these attempts transparent. The primary NSA grant-code prefix is ‘MDA904′. Googling for this grant code yields 39,000 references although some refer to non-academic contracts ( 2,300). The grants issue from light NSA cover, the “Maryland Procurement Office” or other fronts. From this one can see the broad sweep of academic research interests being driven by the NSA.

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