Thursday, January 13, 2011

John McCain performed a miracle tonight

John McCain performed a miracle tonight.

He made Bob Dole’s 1996 Republican presidential acceptance speech look downright eloquent.

Shizam, McCain’s performance – at least for the first 40 minutes of the speech – made Bob Dole sound

like the combination of Daniel Webster, John F. Kennedy, and Cicero thrown in for good measure.

McCain seemed to be reciting lame lines – until he got to near the end, when he immersed himself and

his groveling audience with the real reason why he is entitled to rule America and the world.

And his riff on Georgia? I hope the media and commentators focus on his falsehood that Russia initiated

the conflict. How many American mothers and fathers are willing to sacrifice their sons and daughters

to move a boundary line a few miles in the Caucasus? And what do McCain or his top aides expect to

receive in return for risking American security for Georgia?

Most of you have seen the video of Amy Goodman’s outrageous arrest at the Republican convention


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