Sunday, April 10, 2011

The best way to activate this knowing for yourself

The best way to activate this knowing for yourself is to stop comparing yourself to others. "Oh, this is what so-and-so is doing in their business. Why can't I be doing that? That's what I SHOULD be doing." Honestly, you really wouldn't want to be anyone else if you could. And, honestly, you never  Kids' Nike Shox could even if you really wanted to. You are you. So, what do you sense would happen if instead you appreciated others and their business success? What do you sense would happen if you also appreciated yourself and your business?

Appreciate all the wonderful powers and abilities you have to offer. Appreciate your strengths. Appreciate your power.

I want you to think for a moment about how you have grown through the experiences of your life, think of the understanding and Nike Shox TL3,insight you've gained. All of this, "good" and "bad" is what qualifies you to be offering the service you offer.

Others can't recognize that they need what you have if you don't recognize it first.

I once spoke to a woman who was telling me that the field that she was in is very "surface oriented" so it wasn't possible for her to really be herself. She couldn't bring to her business her connection to Spirit. I explained to her that by keeping this part of herself hidden was actually a disservice to her business. Now, I wasn't saying she needed to necessarily go to the extreme and start shouting from the rooftops, but explained that to deny this part of  Nike Shox Rival,herself in her business was most likely preventing her from connecting with her ideal clients who needed her: those folks out there who were thinking, "Gosh, everyone in this line of service is so surface oriented. I'd really like to hire someone with a bit more depth. I need this."

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