Wednesday, April 20, 2011

So a coach will help me to hear the truth

So a coach will help me to hear the truth. A coach will ask me the right questions, and reframe my experience to something closer to reality, rather than my imagined experience. A coach will help me get naked with my responses, and not allow me to hide in my rationalizations. Do you know how Louis Vuitton Sunglasses I spell rationalize? "Rational lies." Because they sound awfully good, but they're totally self-serving designed to get me off the hook. Thank goodness for my coach, who won't let me get away with that stuff!

Talking regularly with a coach helps to keep us on course with our goals and the work we're doing to self-discover and transform. This regular contact is essential. It's easy to get a little bit off track if we're not checking in, by the time we realize it we can be so far off that it could take weeks to get back on our path.

I like to describe the journey of coach and client as like traveling down the garden path.

You could travel down the path on your own. You're not really sure of the way, and you could take a few wrong turns and have to retrace your steps, and at times you'll make choices as to which fork in the road to Prada Sunglasses,take, and ultimately you will arrive at a destination. It may or may not be the one you expected, but it will definitely be the one you chose. I call this the Road of Self Discovery.

You could have a coach who tied you up and bundled you off to your destination, or one that dragged you, kicking and screaming, into your future. You'd get someplace, and even if it was your place of choice, the fact that you were dragged against your will creates resistance to success, and the chances are you will return to your original state.

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