Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The obvious answer is that you can't exponentially

The obvious answer is that you can't exponentially add labor to get a project done faster. And just because you add labor doesn't mean that the project will get done faster. (Have you ever had two programmers, two systems engineers, or even two Spanish-speaking, spaghetti-cooking, COBOL-programming CCIEs argue over how a task should be completed? The argument could go on for years before the work actually gets started.)?????But the Law of Diminishing Returns also applies to the technology that you purchase. MBT Chapa Shoes Have you ever bought an application that was so rich with features that the cost and time of learning the application was more than the returns from using the application? Or have you ever installed a massive powerhouse print server where many of the features of the OS go ignored? Or maxed out the RAM on a laptop that's only used for PowerPoint presentations and solitaire?When it comes to IT hardware, as with labor, project managers should procure only what's needed—not the max that the budget will allow.Build or Buy??????Ah, MBT Tembea Shoes,one of the great arguments of all time. Should we buy it or should we build it? Well, it's probably not that great of an argument, but I'll bet you've been in some heated discussions on the value of either side of the debate. If not, let's start one now.?????Sometimes, like it or not, it's more cost-effective to spend the cash and pay someone else to build the thing for you.

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