Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Or you could have a coach who guides you

Or you could have a coach who guides you down the path directing, sometimes leading, always supporting. Take two steps here; watch out for that rock guiding you while you do all the moving toward your goal.

And this coach is also your biggest fan. "Hey, Christian Dior Sunglasses you can do it. I believe in you! Keep going!" Being the best you can be may not be enough, you may need some teaching and coaching to get you there.

A basketball coach doesn't just tell you what you're doing right; he also puts you through some drills to work on skills, and continually goes through the basics. The role of a business or life coach is to do the Replica Oakley Sunglasses,same thing - identify areas for growth and take you through activities to help you get results. It is with a coach that you are held accountable and that the buck stops here!

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