Wednesday, April 13, 2011

When people hear I am a home-based business

When people hear I am a home-based business owner, their first comment is usually a funny remark about working in my pink fuzzy slippers (actually, they’re purple). I must confess, many winter days would find this to be a true statement. Coming cheap designer sunglasses,from the corporate environment, there has been a drastic change in my wardrobe.

The clothing, though, is the least of the issues. I asked fellow entrepreneurs what they found to be the biggest hurdle for them as home-based business owners. Many stated that their business seemed to consume them because work and home were one and the same. They lack the discipline to keep the two separate.

Every waking moment at home is spent in their office pounding the keyboard. If they do leave the office, they find themselves constantly “stopping in to check emails” or remembering they needed to do just one more task. Then 2 hours later, they Miu Miu Sunglasses, are still working. Often, attention to the family, friends and the house suffer. Whether it’s a lack of discipline to stop working or a compulsion to continue to focus on the business, it doesn’t matter. What does matter is that relationships with family members and friends suffer, social life suffers, the upkeep of the house suffers and ultimately health becomes a factor. So what can someone do when they find the dishes piling up, the laundry isn’t done, the grass is now 10 inches long, they can’t remember the last time they had a family meal together – and they still can’t walk away from the business?

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