Thursday, April 21, 2011

I recently utilized this strategy at a local Tier

I recently utilized this strategy at a local Tier 1 automotive supplier by seizing an opportunity to help them with a unique problem. They were impressed by my response and ability to remedy their situation. I asked about similar areas of their plant and the opportunity to address their issues MBT Shuguli GTX before they became problems. They liked my pro-active approach and allowed me to proceed. That success soon generated others. In fact, their plant manager sent me an email this past week asking me to meet with him to discuss multiple opportunities for our products and services in their plant.

That company has quickly become a major account. I have been successfully designated their "go-to guy." We have demonstrated our capabilities and proven our ability and expertise. Interestingly, I started working with this account a mere six months ago. I have a goal to develop five more similar accounts over the next six months. Each one is already identified and a strategy has been implemented.

There are great opportunities; plenty of them, regardless of the state of the economy. Do not give in to the negativity presented by the media. Focus on your core strengths and decide which clients need your MBT BoostMBT Sport, expertise. Select prospective companies that are in a strong financial position to weather this downturn and get busy. Be assertive. Become their "go-to" person and don't ever look back.

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