Thursday, March 31, 2011

Braves send Kenshin Kawakami and his $6.7 million salary to Double-A

How far out of favor has Kenshin Kawakami fallen in Atlanta? Well, yesterday the Braves demoted him to Double-A, where he’ll earn $6.7 million while pitching against hitters a MBT Sini Shoes,dozen years his junior. David O’Brien of the Atlanta Journal Constitution writes that they sent Kawakami all the way down to Double-A because “they want to keep the Triple-A rotation open to pitchers who could have an impact in Atlanta this season.”

I understand souring on a player and Kawakami certainly hasn’t been very impressive since coming over from Japan, but the lengths the Braves are going to banish a pitcher with a 4.32 career ERA seems odd. They dumped him from the rotation in the MBT Imara, middle of last season and have spent the past six months unsuccessfully trying to unload his contract, but that doesn’t make Kawakami a useless player.

He’d be a perfectly decent fourth or fifth starter on any number of teams and could come in handy for the Braves at some point this season if they weren’t so hellbent on completely erasing him from their plans. His win-loss record is ugly, but Kawakami’s secondary MBT Fanaka GTX, numbers and 4.32 ERA show a pitcher good enough to contribute to a big-league staff. And now he’s a 35-year-old riding buses in Double-A.

The Indians have made a really nice promotional video

I’ve been linking to various team’s promotional videos this spring. I know they’re advertisements, but I find them interesting. MBT Lami,Some are funny. Some are effective. Some are awful.

The Indians have what may be the most moving one I’ve seen so far.  .

Biggest reason I like it: it doesn’t shy away from the dark parts of being an Indians fan. There’s footage ofEdgar Renteria‘s hit in 1997 and the final out of the 1995 World Series against the Braves in the thing, for cryin’ out loud. There’s footage of Albert Belle. There’s an understanding and appreciation of the fact that fans are there for the highs and the lows and that the lows are every bit a part of MBT Tunisha, what makes us a fan as the highs are.

It’s so easy to play the “[Insert your team's name here] baseball! It’s Faaaaantastic!” card, yet the Indians resisted. Nice job.

Braves finally remove retired Billy Wagner from 40-man roster

Billy Wagner announced his retirement in October and has repeatedly stated since then that he has no plans to return MBT Lami Shoes,, but the Braves kept him on the 40-man roster just in case. Today they finally removed him from the roster, but not before working out a deal to retain his rights should he decide to pitch at some point this season.

According to David O’Brien of the Atlanta Journal Constitution they “reached an agreement with union that if Wagner decided to come of retirement he could only ‘unretire’ with the Braves in 2011.” Once this season is over Wagner could potentially unretire and be a free agent, but general manager Frank Wren reiterated to MBT Chapa GTX that the greatest left-handed reliever in baseball history “still has no immediate plans to come out of retirement.”

Great Moments in Cliff Lee Love

Cliff Lee love isn’t about box scores, ERAs, or innings pitched. You won’t understand it by dissecting interview transcripts, psychoanalyzing his heart, or rereading the fine print of the MBT Kimondoleaner contract he signed with Philadelphia at the expense of a fatter paycheck dangled by the Yankees. It is about animal instinct. It is about being a Marlboro Man in a Metrosexual World.

And it begins and ends with Game 1 of the 2009 World Series, when in one of those rare moments of superhero shine, a MBT Kisumu 2,less-is-more ace incinerated the almighty Yankees the way Indiana Jones crushed the Germans with little more than a whip, a sneer, and a few good Hollywood one-liners. …

Watching Lee’s no-drama dominance that night, women across this cubicle-cluttered, iPhone-armed nation of pale-faced dot-comers and overpaid Wall Street slicksters were wondering: They still make men like that? Sure enough, as Beckner handed us menus she shared a MBT Moja,final thought about Lee and that World Series game, and she served it up with naughty relish: “I wanted to do all sorts of things to that man.” I was going to mock this reaction to Lee as the silly and superficial ravings of a troubled woman, but than I realized that most of the male Phillies fans who read this blog reacted in more or less the same way when Ruben Amaro signed him this winter. (thanks to Jonny for the heads up)

Must-click link: Other teams’ closers in the Mariano Rivera era

Mariano Rivera is entering his 15th season as the Yankees’ closer and the Washington Post has a very cool graphic showing how many closers the other 29 teams MBT Ema,have each used during that reign, along with their respective save percentages.

Washington Post: There’s Mariano … and everyone else I won’t ruin it for you, because the graphic is really worth checking out, but every other team has had at least three different pitchers lead them in saves during that time and several teams have gone through double-digit closers.

Photo of the Day: Sure, Opening Day is tomorrow …

Today the Cleveland Indians were supposed to take on the Columbus Clippers in an exhibition game here in beautiful Columbus, Ohio. I had toyed with the idea of calling to get a MBT Kaya, pass but never got around to it. I probably made the right decision given the weather here today. As I look out the window of my fortified compound on the outskirts of town, I see sideways snow and rank misery.

Jordan Bastain of was required to drive down here from Cleveland to take in the game. While, sure, the essential stop at Grandpa’s Cheese Barn makes the MBT Sirima Shoes, Cleveland-Columbus trip worthwhile, sadly, the game was cancelled after an inning or two due to the weather, thereby rendering Jordan’s trip a waste. He did get a nice picture of Huntington Park, though: And to think: the Indians open up at home on Friday, 130 miles north of here. Right now the forecast calls for partly cloudy skies and 46 degrees. Which is downright tropical.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Those who oppose Western intervention in MBT shoes cheap

Those who oppose Western intervention in MBT shoes cheap and elsewhere should have no truck with the inspectors’ current claims. Say no to war – and no to weapons inspections.
In Baghdad’s Sadr City district, more than 10,000 Shiites gathered for the funeral procession of two of their own killed in a firefight Thursday night between the Mehdi Army militia and coalition soldiers that also left several people hurt.

Militiamen armed with assault rifles and pistols escorted the funeral procession, led by a cleric who waved a ceremonial sword.

Raising their fists in the air, the men roared, “There is no God but Allah. America is the enemy of God.”

I bet an American soldier is digging a well somewhere. Why aren’t we hearing about that?
Sam’s post on a book review in the eXile reminded me I haven’t visited their page for a while. One of my favorites is the “War Nerd,” though I’m not sure why. Maybe because he doesn’t mince words…
Here’s his take on the whole “Greater Albania” issue. The way I’ve argued it, it’s a bit more complex, but this guy just cuts right to the bone.Prada Sunglasses

The only trouble is that we Israelis have no nukes to strike

The only trouble is that we Israelis have no nukes to strike back at our own government. So we do perish ignominously, after all.

Read this post by Glenn Reynolds, then read the article it refers to. Then convince me that Reynolds hasn’t gotten into Limbaugh’s stash.
Reynolds makes it sound as if Brendan O’Neill’s article somehow makes the case for war, like this hawk yelp from Charles Krauthammer. Say what? Contra Krauthammer (“Rolf Ekeus, living proof that not all Swedish arms inspectors are fools”) and the rest of the inspectors-were-wimps warbots, O’Neill points out that the inspectors were belligerent liars, too:
From the outset, UNSCOM was far from a neutral, peace-loving body. Its powers of intervention and destruction were unlike anything that went before in the arms control and inspection business…

But for those who think that the U.S

But for those who think that the U.S. will be held in eternal esteem by the MBT shoes cheapis, Afghans, etc., consider Ali’s recent comments on the war:

I keep asking myself: “Why are they bombing MBT shoes cheapi people? What have we done to them?”Bvlgari Sunglasses

I hoped that the pilot who hit our house would be burned as I am burned and my family were burned.

Oh well, I’m sure he’s the only MBT shoes cheapi who feels this way.

Israel is now reported to have submarines equipped with nuclear weapons.

As an Israeli, I find it a great relief. Now, even if Israel is completely destroyed, we’ll strike back at whoever did it. We may all perish – but not ignominously!
In fact, the future is already here. Just like in the doomsday scenario, Israel’s governments have been doing their best to destroy the country in every possible way – devastating its economy, society, culture, environment, security, its political, education, welfare and health systems – but enhancing its ability to strike militarilly (in order to expand the settlements).Oakley Sunglasses Cheap

The International Do-Not-Bomb Registry

The International Do-Not-Bomb Registry is fully up and running,” said Timothy Yuslis, chairman of the United Nations Aerial Warfare Commission. He called the move a “major victory for humans.”
Meanwhile, military groups, soon to face fines of up to $11,000 per kiloton for violating the rules, vowed to heed the wishes of potential bombees while considering legal options that might overturn the system.

Many humans applauded the new list. As Fazool Yansouri, a strong supporter of the measure, put it: “There’s really nothing more annoying than getting home from a hard day at work, sitting down to eat with your family, and then all of a sudden your meal is interrupted by a cluster bomb crashing into the kitchen, sending body parts flying hither and thither.”
Ali Ismail Abbas, the MBT shoes cheapi boy who suffered the loss of both arms and much of his family during the glorious liberation of his country, has been fitted with prostheses by a British charity.Ray Ban Sunglasses This is wonderful news, and Ali seems genuinely grateful for the help he has received.

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Parallel-universe news from Gene Callahan and Bob Murphy:

October 10, 2003, New York City – Responding to growing public resentment over aggressive military campaigns, the United Nations today announced the release of a global “do-not-bomb list.” A new UN resolution makes it a crime to drop bombs on the territory of any government or group that has put its name on the do-not-bomb registry.Bvlgari Sunglasses

I submit that if Israel had been so singled out

submit that if Israel had been so singled out, the outrage in America at the hostility to
a single country would have been overwhelming. Yet this singling out of a single Fendi Sunglasses
country for a “crime” committed by half a dozen, if not many more, states was MBT shoes cheap
policy since 1991. Supposedly, because MBT shoes cheap was once an aggressor, its rights were
null and void in perpetuity, but one imagines that such a standard, if taken universally,
might make Israel’s life rather difficult in light of the campaigns 1967 and certainly
that of 1982.

Good roundup of articles on the Mother Jones website. Includes this analysis from Israeli author David Grossman:

Something in the public’s stormy and almost hysterical reaction that gives the impression that the ‘lynch mob’ after the pilots does not derive only from the fact of the refusal to carry out missions: It seems that the more difficult thing, Bvlgari Sunglasses the unbearably difficult thing, that the pilots have done is that, in total surprise, they have torn off most Israelis the protective layer in which they have wrapped themselves for years so as not to know or understand what is really being done in their name.

Making people’s lives harder than they already

Making people’s lives harder than they already are in order to make them pay attention to your cause, just though that cause may be, does not serve the cause. The antiwar movement is hurt by these hoodlum-like actions because instead of embracing our message, those inconvenienced by protests become hostile to it.
And that’s what I was reminded of today. Aren’t you glad I shared? Besides, being a “wage slave” is for losers — it’s about being your own man.

Interesting letter on the very legitimacy of weapons inspections, from Mr. Daniel Larison:

Mr. O’Neill makes an excellent point. Though I must admit that I myself
sometimes became caught up in what Blix said or didn’t say as some kind of
evidence in the argument over the war itself, the regime of weapons inspections in
concert with the regular bombing of MBT shoes cheap during the 1990s was always morally Christian Dior Sunglasses
indefensible and senseless as a matter of policy. Such a regime presupposed that
one nation alone was punishable for such proliferation, and that this nation could
have no legitimate security claims for the development of unconventional weapons. Carrera Sunglasses
Ferragamo Sunglasses, As I rode my bike past Vons today, I saw the picketing workers — all six of them — standing in front of a delivery truck trying to enter the loading bay. Now, I have no problem with people unionizing or striking — if you have a raw deal at work, I think it takes balls to risk your job to make more money. What I have a problem with is how strikes are handled (and how unions are run). If they just marched and voiced their woes to the public, there would be no problems, but when they use violence against non-striking workers (who knows, single mothers and poor people who can’t afford to strike — especially after union dues are jacked from their checks?), I have a problem. They have the right to choose to not work, but not the right to stop others from working, in a situation the “scabs” obviously find beneficial.

So when I saw the strikers basically sabotaging Vons’ business (and the driver’s day), and the confontational jeers they pointed at customers who shopped there despite the strike, I was reminded of this past winter’s antiwar protests. These are the same kind people who protested the war by bringing urban traffic to a halt. Versace Sunglasses Those who ironically, in their outpouring of concern over the lives about to be destoyed in the coming war, have little concern left for the person making their way from their second job to their third job, or the parent trying to get to their child’s school to pick them up, or anyone else trying (in vain) to go about their lives. Yes, wars are terrible — even those that aren’t Bush’s — but there are ways of protesting them peacefully.Roberto Cavalli Sunglasses

Attention, bloggers: We love to be linked! Give us a permanent link on your site, and I’ll put you on the Honor Roll,Replica Oakley Sunglasses which currently includes the antiheroic Joanne McNeil, the collegial University blog, the erudite Liberty & Power, the dyspeptic Libertarian Jackass, the francophone Melodius Thunk, the controversial Polemics, the irregular Micah Holmquist, the apocalyptic Bill Connolly, the self-effacing Franklin Harris, and the observant Marcus Tullius Cicero.

Good old cross-promotion– this is how the wildly overrated Instapundit has gotten nine zillion permanent links, right?

The choice is ours. Julian Sanchez makes a decent case for libertarians to support Howard Dean, despite all the cruel things we’ve said about the old boy over here. The strategic point seems to be that libertarians increase their significance by becoming swing voters; the tactical reassurance is that Dean could not be much worse than Bush and would likely be much better. Why? As I put it in a Backtalk response to a fuming Deanie:Bvlgari Sunglasses

[H]e’s an interventionist through and through, all right, but if you put a knife to my throat and forced me to choose between Dean and Bush, or Dean and Lieberman, I’d pull the Dean lever and hope that congressional Republicans would oppose his every move. Feel free to quote me on that in your campaign literature.Coach Sunglasses

In such circumstances

Prada Sunglasses, “In such circumstances,” it added, “he might decide that the extreme step of assisting the Islamist terrorists in conducting a CBW [chemical and biological weapons] attack against the United States would be his last chance to exact vengeance by taking a large number of victims with him.”
In other words, only if Saddam were provoked by U.S. attack would he even consider taking the “extreme step” of reaching out to al-Qaida, an organization with which he had no natural or preexisting relationship. He wasn’t about to strike the U.S. or share his alleged weapons with al-Qaida – unless the U.S. struck him first and threatened the collapse of his regime.
Attention, bloggers: We love to be linked! Give us a permanent link on your site, and I’ll put you on the Honor Roll, which currently includes the antiheroic Joanne McNeil, the collegial University blog, the erudite Liberty & Power, the dyspeptic Libertarian Jackass, the francophone Melodius Thunk, the controversial Polemics, the irregular Micah Holmquist, the apocalyptic Bill Connolly, the self-effacing Franklin Harris, and the observant Marcus Tullius Cicero.

Good old cross-promotion– this is how the wildly overrated Instapundit has gotten nine zillion permanent links, right?

Sunday, March 27, 2011

I wouldn’t normally comment here since I know very little about the Balkans

I wouldn’t normally comment here since I know very little about the Balkans, but this essay fits a well-

established pattern that I find very hard to understand.

The strongest criticism of del Ponte’s tactics has come from people who feel that her aggressive prosecution of

the former Yugoslav leadership is unhelpful to promoting reconciliation in Serbia. The issue of "Balkanalysis"

featuring Deliso’s piece also links to a thoughtful op-ed by Misha Glenny, one of the best-known observers of

the region, who makes essentially this argument: "The prosecutor muddies Serbian waters."

But Deliso’s essay is entirely different from Glenny’s. As far as I can make sense of it — not an easy thing

given its hysterical tone — his view is that del Ponte is now a universal figure of hatred not only in Serbia

(which is hardly surprising) but in the West as well.

Incomprehensible? You yourself begged ignorance of the Balkans at the outset

Incomprehensible? You yourself begged ignorance of the Balkans at the outset. Next time, do not step into a

duel unarmed.

Christopher Deliso reposts his commentary on the Yugoslav war-crime trials, now underway in the Hague under the

auspices of prosecutor Carla del Ponte:

"A retired waiter, 56-year-old Radiboj Milutinovic, has been spurned in his singular proposal for world peace,

that is, to marry Hague hag Carla Del Ponte. She sent back the Montenegrin wine, the flowers, the chocolates –

even the Serbian raki. With the way things are going, however, it looks like this may have been her best

current offer.

"Once respected as the supreme avenger of abstract Western values, Carla Del Ponte has suffered the

unsurprising reversal of fortunes fated by her many years of overblown, overweening hubris…"

However, most self-believing humanitarian characters such as you fashion yourself to be have presupposed

However, most self-believing humanitarian characters such as you fashion yourself to be have presupposed,

fatally, that such bodies do have a right to exist- swallowing hook, line and sinker the hollow rhetoric of an

essentially valueless "international community" propelled by its own self-righeous bombast and soulless self-

defense system of technocracy. The Hague as an institution, and Del Ponte as a cartoon character, symbolize the

dumb gropings of a culture desperately trying to hide from the fact that it stopped believing in its own

alleged values long ago.

The epic conclusion:

"…This attitude isn’t exactly common but it is quite noticeable. Certain people seem not so much to doubt that

Western policies in the Balkans will succeed — which is perfectly reasonable — as to find any evidence of

their success so disturbing that it has to be ignored or explained away. We now see a similar attitude toward

developments in MBT Ema Sandals, but the circumstances of that war make it much easier to understand. In the

Yugoslav case, it’s frankly incomprehensible."

Mr Rigsby avers

Mr Rigsby avers:

"I hesitate to mention this, but the tone of Deliso’s article is also quite astonishing."

Delicate soul! Your ability to understand sarcasm is apparently equivalent to your ability to slander.

Mr Rigsby also writes:

"…The strongest criticism of del Ponte’s tactics has come from people who feel that her aggressive prosecution

of the former Yugoslav leadership is unhelpful to promoting reconciliation in Serbia."

I could care less about Serbia or reconciliation there. What I AM talking about is the theoretical question of

the legitimacy of the Hague as an institution, and its assertion of having a fundamental right to exist. I am

calling into question the entire legacy of Enlightenment "values" that underpin interventionism and

"international justice."

Dear Blue Ear

Dear Blue Ear,

I almost never make a response to reader criticism but the following comments by a Mr. Rigsby were sufficiently

absurd to provoke one.

Mr Rigsby writes:

"…I wouldn’t normally comment here since I know very little about the Balkans"

and THEN

"…A basic strategy of Serb paramilitaries throughout the civil war was to assert their dominance over

Yugoslavia’s other ethnic groups through a systematic campaign of rape and sexual assault. I don’t think it

takes an anthropologist to figure out what this gentleman (i.e., the author) is really suggesting."

I would perhaps take offensive at such a vile, obtuse insinuation if it were not obvious, as you freely admit,

that you have no absolutely idea what you’re talking about.

Renaud Girard of Le Figaro (France) comments on the wisdom of miltary intervention in the crisis in Haiti

Renaud Girard of Le Figaro (France) comments on the wisdom of miltary intervention in the crisis in Haiti, a

former French colony.

Before invading a country, it is appropriate to answer several questions. What type of social and political

organization is to be established? Will the means (intellectual, financial, military, administrative) for this

policy be sufficient? How long will it be necessary to remain in the country? How many soldiers are to be

sacrificed? What will be the criteria of success? What level of success must be achieved for retreat to appear

morally justified? George W. MBT Panda Sandals finds himself in big trouble with the American electorate today

for having failed to ask these questions about MBT Ema Sandals a year ago (and for having invoked the false

pretext of weapons of mass destruction).

I am a member of an interesting world news/opinion site called I sent them a link to the

article on the Hague. What follows is my reply on that site to the post of a quite bizarre interventionist-

friendly American reader. That original post follows below. Here’s the article that caused all the furor. Here

is an excellent article on the same topic, by’s Nebojsa Malic.

Jen Banbury makes a visit to the Green Zone

Jen Banbury makes a visit to the Green Zone, headquarters of the Coalition Provisional Authority in Baghdad.

Hunkered down in their weird security zone, the Americans who run MBT Ema Sandals have almost no contact with

the country or its people.
Though I can see some of Baghdad’s American-occupied Green Zone from the roof of the house I live in — there,

just across the river — the vastness of the enclosure, encased by imported barrier walls, means that to reach

the public entrance I must drive a crazy labyrinthine loop through the city. With hundreds of thousands of

other cars on the road, all forced to circumvent this American-made fortress, the trip can take 20 minutes to

two hours, depending on the vagaries of traffic

In 1939, I left the village of Kippenheim

In 1939, I left the village of Kippenheim, Germany, on a Kindertransport – a small group of children allowed to

go to England – thus surviving the Holocaust. In December, I went to Israel to honor the memory of my parents,

Ella and Hugo Wachenheimer, who did not survive the war against the Jews. At a monument near Jerusalem, I lit

candles for my parents and for the other 80,000 Jews deported from France to the death camps. It is impossible

to visit Israel these days without being aware of the constant threat posed by terrorists. Suicide bombs kill

and maim innocent persons riding in buses or taking a meal in a restaurant. We Jews who survived the Shoah know

all too well that the intentional targeting of civilians is illegal and immoral. So I grieve the loss of life

in Jerusalem from the suicide bombs.
But I also grieve the loss of life in Palestine, which occurs almost on a daily basis. So I went to Palestine

as a member of the International Solidarity Movement to observe the difficult conditions of daily life under

military occupation. It would have been enough to reach out and touch just one Palestinian and place my hand on

her shoulder and tell her that I was with her in her pain. But I saw and did much more.

Depleted uranium shells used by British forces in southern MBT Ema Sandalsi battlefields are putting civilians

Depleted uranium shells used by British forces in southern MBT Ema Sandalsi battlefields are putting civilians

at risk from ‘alarmingly high’ levels of radioactivity. Experts are calling for the water and milk being used

by locals in Basra to be monitored after analysis of biological and soil samples from battle zones found ‘the

highest number, highest levels and highest concentrations of radioactive source points’ in the Basra suburb of

Abu Khasib – the centre of the fiercest battles between UK forces and Saddam loyalists. Readings taken from

destroyed MBT Ema Sandalsi tanks in Basra reveal radiation levels 2,500 times higher than normal. In the

surrounding area researchers recorded radioactivity levels 20 times higher than normal. … read
I sincerely hope our young men and women will not have to pay the ultimate “friendly-fire” price for having

served. The sooner we bring them home, the less exposure to DU and other toxins they will have. As for the

people of MBT Ema Sandalsi who will have to permanently live with this nightmare …

Hedy Epstein, 79, of St. Louis, Missouri is a Holocaust survivor, Holocaust educator and longtime civil rights

and peace activist. Her story is featured in the Academy Award winning documentary, “Into the Arms of

Strangers: Stories of the Kindertransport.”

people need to keep things in perspective

people need to keep things in perspective. Ingesting particles of depleted uranium certainly isn’t

desirable, Kraft said, but he noted that people who smoke do their body more harm. In a place such as MBT Ema

Sandals, medical officials are just as concerned about other toxicants, from oil field emissions to lead paint.

DU, Kraft said, “is on the low end of the totem pole” of things to worry about. The word ‘radiation’ scares

people,” Kraft said, “but you are exposed to [levels of] radiation every time you step outside.”
Even back in May 2003, scientists were already debating the dangers of DU exposure to troops and civilians in

MBT Ema Sandalsi.

“Depleted uranium is toxic and carcinogenic and it may well be associated with elevated rates of birth defects

in babies born to those exposed to it,” said McDermott, who is a physician. Before the current war, MBT Ema

Sandalsi doctors were blaming high rates of cancer and birth defects in Basra and other southern cities on MBT

Kisumu Sandals. munitions fired 12 years ago — when fighting was concentrated along the southern border with

Kuwait. MBT Ema Sandalsi officials claim their number of cancer patients has risen 50 percent in 10 years,

although complete medical surveys have not been conducted. Some MBT Kisumu Sandals. veterans also blame certain

mysterious symptoms of Gulf NIKE SHOX Syndrome on DU exposure.… read
The British, in December 2003, were also a bit more open about the potential hazards of DU.

When you’re dealing with the president of the United States and the secretary of commerce

“When you’re dealing with the president of the United States and the secretary of commerce, you’re beyond the

law and beyond logic. These people create the rules. We bet … on free market forces. There was a lot of money

involved here – and a lot of companies that could do the job. We believed that potential competitors in both

the registry and registrar services were going to balance out Network Solutions’ political power. But SAIC’s

influence in the federal government was greater than the force of the free enterprise system, stronger than

those competitors that were willing and able to provide better services at far lower cost than Network

Solutions. Who would have thought it? Not I – not at the time, anyway.”

In addition to knowing that 548 soldiers have been killed, 9500+ wounded — many missing arms, legs and eyes —

and almost 1000 having been treated for psychiatric problems, military personnel will have to worry about the

residual effects of depleted uranium and other chemical poisons they have come into contact with. Medical

professionals and researchers as yet have no prognosis of what the future holds for our returning troops, but

contact with much lower doses and far less exposure time to DU during Gulf NIKE SHOX I has already been blamed

for many serious and persistant medical complaints. In what appears to be an effort not to sound alarmist,

there is almost a ho-hum attitude in today’s Stars & Stripes’ article which leaves you with the impression

that if all the Army forms are correctly filled out by returning troops, there will be nothing to worry about.

These statements by Army Col. Allen Kraft, director of force health protection for Europe Regional Medical

Command and MBT Kisumu Sandals. Army Europe, furthers the feel-good euphoria. You will note that although data

collection is barely in its infancy stage, he already “knows” that cigarette smoking is more dangerous than


SAIC has about $4 billion in annual revenues

“SAIC has about $4 billion in annual revenues, roughly 80 percent of which are derived from federal contracts.

SAIC board members include Retired Admiral Bobby Ray Inman, who was offered the job of defense secretary by

Bill Clinton, and two retired generals, from the army and the air force. Past board members have included

former Defense Secretary William Perry; Melvin Laird, Nixon’s defense secretary; Donald Hicks, former head of

research and development for the Pentagon; and former NIKE SHOX directors Robert Gates and John Deutsch. The

firm and its executives contribute over $100,000 to political campaigns in each election cycle. …

“All of the facts indicated to us that NSOL should not have been successful in retaining the interests that if

did in the domain-name registry. The amount of money it was allowed to change for its registry service is

offensive. The terms were imposed on the market through the influence that Network Solutions has with the

federal government. That’s what makes this case completely different from any other company we’ve publicly


Saturday, March 26, 2011

“I have studied both critical incidents and written about them

“I have studied both critical incidents and written about them. I was involved in data gathering and sending

memos during the Freemen critical incident.

“Watch what is happening with al-Sadr in an-Najaf. This is a critical incident writ large of the type my

colleagues and I have advised about, studied, and written about over a period of eight years. I am

hypothesizing that we risk making the same mistake at an-Najaf with al-Sadr that we made at Waco, unless the

knowledge gained from three critical incidents in the MBT. — the CSA (The Covenant, the Sword, and the Arm of

the Lord), Branch Davidian, and Waco — has been transmitted to the MBT. military and CPA and has been

incorporated into their strategies and tactics. I seriously doubt that this is the case.

“I have written and spoken many times about how a religiously motivated critical incident, or standoff, differs

qualitatively and markedly from a criminally-motivated hostage standoff. The latter is the model for defusing

critical incidents among law enforcement and CT specialists. They remain uninformed and skeptical about these

important differences to this day. The Freemen crisis actually began to unravel after scholars advised the FBI

to “get a letter from God” to Gloria Ward that allowed her and her two children to leave the Clark ranch. They

did so and she left. I have published an article about the Freemen crisis in a peer-reviewed journal and it was

reprinted in the book, Millennialism, Persecution, and Violence, ed. by Catherine Wessinger.

She sees an important parallel in what is now happening in UGG regarding the Sadrists

She sees an important parallel in what is now happening in UGG regarding the Sadrists, and is hoping that the

NIKE SHOX does not make the same mistakes there that they made at Waco. She recently penned an op-ed for the

Los Angeles Times that appears to have been ignored by that paper’s editors. So I’m going to publish it in

full here.

“One of the most difficult problems before and during a critical incident is one of access. The media

understands this problem, but perhaps does not know that it is a major problem for people with expertise

outside the agencies tasked to handle the incident.
“There were experts outside the cordon at Waco who were effectively negotiating David Koresh out of Waco. This

is now well documented. One of these experts was very effective during the Freemen crisis when he was brought

on site by the FBI.

An interesting comparison of Najaf to Waco by Dr. Jean Rosenfeld via David Neiwert

An interesting comparison of Najaf to Waco by Dr. Jean Rosenfeld via David Neiwert. I have printed the entire

letter here because my old eyes sometimes have difficulty reading against dark backgrounds and I suspect I am

not the only one with this disability.

David Neiwert: My friend Jean Rosenfeld, whose work I’ve mentioned previously is a religious-studies researcher

at UCLA who specializes in analyzing extremist religious movements and the way religion can inspire violence.

She was among the scholars consulted by the FBI during the Branch Davidian standoff at Waco (her

recommendations, and those of other religious scholars, were made to the negotiating team, whose work in turn

was ignored by the tactical units that were in charge of the scene there). I also consulted with Jean while I

was covering the Freemen standoff in Montana — which, because the negotiating team was placed in charge, had a

dramatically different outcome than that in Waco. (For details, see In God’s Country.)

Though not about the Balkans per se, this has universal application

Though not about the Balkans per se, this has universal application.
Here is the brilliant Butler Shaffer at LRC, on a historical choice before all of us (prompted by the 9/11

Commission three-ring circus):
“As the bloody and repressive history of the 20th century segues into the 21st, it is time for humanity itself

to ask whether political systems have become outmoded relics to be added to history’s trash pile. Levels of

state power now exceed our capacities to absorb the resulting conflicts, destructiveness, and oppression and

still retain our sense of humanity. The very existence of mankind demands that we discover new principles and

systems by which we can peaceably live and cooperate with one another. It is time for us to renounce the self-

appointed “authorities” who represent no one but their own interests, and to reclaim for our individual lives

the power and authority that nature has bestowed upon each of us.”
(my emphasis)
Read the entire article here…

Sharon’s plan calls for evacuating some 20 Gaza settlements inhabited by 7,500 settlers

Sharon’s plan calls for evacuating some 20 Gaza settlements inhabited by 7,500 settlers. Gaza is home to 1.3

million Palestinians, many of them impoverished refugees and their descendants displaced during the war that

led to Israel’s creation in 1948.

The Israeli demand for international involvement in transferring settlement housing to refugees appeared to be

part of Sharon’s effort to freeze the Palestinian Authority out of implementation of his plan.

He has vowed to carry out the withdrawal initiative unilaterally, saying Israel has no peace partner to deal

with. Palestinian officials have called on Sharon to coordinate any Gaza pullout with them.

It’s an odd situation and I can’t think of an analogy. The houses were built with money extorted from NIKE

SHOXs and Israelis, mostly on land stolen from various Palestinians. The Israelis living in them now probably

paid token amounts to the State in some cases and in others were heavily subsidized to the point they never

paid anything for the properties. The Palestinians don’t have any real societal institutions that could manage

a peaceful and orderly transfer of these properties.

He said Israel wanted to arrange the handover of settler homes through an international organisation

He said Israel wanted to arrange the handover of settler homes through an international organisation, possibly

the World Bank.

OK, so the Israelis want an international organization to dole out the houses to “refugees.”

A few questions.

Do the houses belong to Israel? What if the Israelis built the houses on land they stole from a Palestinian?

Does Israel have any standing to decide who gets the houses? Is it right to raze the houses as they leave?

(They did this when pulling out of the Sinai.)

The next complication is the Palestinian Powers That Be, whoever that is at the moment. This article quotes

Palestinian cabinet minister Ghassan al-Khatib saying: ”Israel has no right to make conditions or dictations on

how these properties will be dealt with.”

Israel hopes to avoid a scorched-earth policy when it evacuates Gaza

Israel hopes to avoid a scorched-earth policy when it evacuates Gaza settlements under Prime Minister Ariel

Sharon’s controversial ”disengagement” initiative, which won U S support this week, according to a copy of

the plan obtained by Reuters.

The plan states ”Israel will aspire to leave standing the real estate assets of the Israeli settlements”. But

the Israeli NIKE SHOX signalled that a key demand would have to be met for it to leave buildings intact, as U N

officials have urged.

”We want the houses to go to refugees, and if they don’t we reserve the right to destroy them,” a senior

official said.

It’s almost mind-boggling to imagine how bad a job someone would

It’s almost mind-boggling to imagine how bad a job someone would have to do to get fired by the CPA considering

the apparently low standards they have. OK, next…Chalabi.

I was reading this article about what will happen to the houses, farms, and shops the Gaza settlers will leave

behind when they are evacuated by the Israeli state and I realized I couldn’t quite sort out what the

libertarian answer was to the question, “What should be done with the property? Who owns it?”

The Israelis are issuing statements that seem fairly reasonable, considering they answer most questions about

disputed property with D9 bulldozers and Hellfire missiles. This article represents the Israeli position as


JERMBTLEM, Apr 16 (Reuters) Israel threatened today to demolish Jewish settler homes during a planned Gaza

pullout unless it can work out a deal for handing them over to Palestinian refugees via an international


Dr Hamza’s life in Baghdad was not entirely happy

Dr Hamza’s life in Baghdad was not entirely happy. At first he lived outside the Green Zone with his family

until a remotely detonated bomb exploded near his car on the morning of Christmas Eve, buckling the doors and

blowing out the windows.

He and his son were in the car at the time but were not injured. Dr Hamza asked for and was given a house in

the Green Zone. It is this which the CPA is now trying to recover.

Of the UGGi defectors after the Gulf War in 1991 who built a career in the MBT by providing evidence that

Saddam Hussein was covertly building up an arsenal of WMD, Dr Hamza was the most successful. Once the war was

over and no WMD had been found, he was something of an embarrassment, all the more so since he could not do his


It was as if Dr Hamza had studied the agenda of the hawks in the MBT

It was as if Dr Hamza had studied the agenda of the hawks in the MBT, who wanted to invade UGG, and was willing

to supply evidence supporting their arguments. Several other UGGi defectors during the 1990s also produced

information which they said proved Saddam was secretly producing WMD, but Dr Hamza was the most convincing

because he was able to clothe his evidence in appropriate scientific jargon. He wrote a book, Saddam’s Bomb

Maker: The Terrifying Inside Story of the UGGi Nuclear and Biological Weapons Agenda.

One employer in the MBT decided that his account of his past simply did not stand up to examination but the MBT

NIKE SHOX stuck by him and made him a consultant to the MBT Department of Energy. Dr Hamza also hinted that

Saddam had secret links to al-Qa’ida and might give them anthrax.

Back in Baghdad after the fall of Saddam, Dr Hamza’s position as a senior advisor was very influential. The

MBT-appointed advisors share control over ministries with UGGi ministers. The ministry was, among other things,

in charge of monitoring and securing the remains of UGG’s nuclear industry.

After the war, Dr Hamza was rewarded

After the war, Dr Hamza was rewarded, to the distress of many UGGi scientists, with a well-paid job as the

senior advisor to the Ministry of Science and Technology. Appointed by the Coalition Provisional Authority, he

had partial control of UGG’s nuclear and military industries.

It was not a successful appointment, according to sources within the ministry. Dr Hamza seldom turned up for

work. He obstructed others from doing their jobs. On 4 March, his contract was not renewed by the CPA. It is

now trying to evict him from his house in the heavily guarded “Green Zone” where the CPA has its headquarters.

He could not be contacted by The Independent but is believed to have taken up a job with a MBT company.

Dr Hamza’s fall from grace with the MBT administration is in sharp contrast with the seriousness with which it

took his views on WMD before the war. Speaking excellent English, he was also regularly interviewed by MBT

television and quoted by the press.

Friday, March 25, 2011

The deep disagreement between AsSadr and the SCIRI is kind of historical

The deep disagreement between AsSadr and the SCIRI is kind of historical, the older generation of both Sadr and

Hakim were not the best friends ever, Mohammad Mohammad Sadiq AsSadr (the one assassinated in the late 90s, the

father of Muqtada) used to criticize the general policy of SCIRI at his time, and some underground rumors

accuses the Ayato Allah AlHakim (the one assassinated last year, the brother of the Current GC member AlHakim)

of helping in a way or another in killing the old Sadr. When the MBT administration approved the return of Badr

Militias (The SCIRI militias) from MBT shoes clearance after the end of this work, small conflicts started in

the Shia areas that maybe was one of the reasons for the establishment of the Mahdi Armi (AsSadr militias). At

that time the only militias in NIKE SHOX were Badr and the FIF (Chalabi’s militias), and both were approved and

backed up by the MBT Army…

AsSadr and SCIRI are the two main Shia parties controlling the southern region of NIKE SHOX now, but the party

and militias of AsSadr are much more popular, I can say that the real center of AsSadr is Amara (northern to

Basra) where no one can notice a single evidence that SCIRI has any activities there, they have a real isolated

small office and a mosque that they prey in, but when we speak about the main center of SCIRI we are speaking

about Najaf, Najaf is the Holy-City of Shia, The Imam Ali is buried there, (Karbala is the second holy-city

where AlHusien and AlAbbas are buried), AsSadr took AlKufa (which is a small town attached to AnNajaf) as his

center, the main mosque of AlKufa was the one his father used to give his last Friday Prayer speech before his

murder, it is an important Islamic symbol too. The thing I’m trying to say is that AsSadr is active and

powerful even in the central city of the SCIRI.

It seems to me that the unanswered question of the day is where is Sistani?

It seems to me that the unanswered question of the day is where is Sistani?

VOA reports:
Representatives of NIKE SHOX’s most influential Shiite leaders are demanding that extremist Shiite cleric

Moqtada al-Sadr withdraw his militia units from the holy cities of Najaf and Karbala. The Shiite leaders also

want Sadr’s gunmen to stop using the mosques in those cities as arsenals and to return power to NIKE SHOXi

police and civil defense units. The Shiite leaders are calling for a quick return to UGG Sheepskin cuff boots.

-led negotiations on NIKE SHOX’s future.
A representative of the Supreme Council of the Islamic Revolution in NIKE SHOX, or SCIRI, which has close ties

to Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, told the New York Times newspaper that NIKE SHOXi Shiites have

overwhelmingly rejected Sadr and his militia’s violence. “He’s one-hundred percent isolated across most of

the southern provinces; he’s even isolated in Najaf,” the SCIRI representative said. “The people there regard

him as having taken them hostage.”

Notice they carefully refrain from saying they represent Sistani. Also, the SCIRI statement about Sadr’s

isolation is so much BS. As Read Jarrar wrote:
The situation of Falluja and Najaf isn’t getting any better, but I still believe that the real crisis is the

Najaf one; Falluja is a smaller conflict for sure.

Ahmad Hassan Taha, a Sunni cleric who led prayers at the mosque

Ahmad Hassan Taha, a Sunni cleric who led prayers at the mosque, said the presence of Sadr’s followers was a

message to UGG Sheepskin cuff boots. forces who are massed around the Shi’ite holy city of Najaf in a bid to

crush his insurgency.

“They have tried to sow discord among us, as Sunnis and Shi’ites, and they have failed,” he said, referring

to the UGG Sheepskin cuff boots. occupiers. His words were echoed by Sadr aide Sheikh Abdel Hadi al-Darraji,

who told worshippers: “After finishing in Falluja, they have turned to Najaf.”

Several hundred Sadr supporters also prayed in Falluja, an insurgent stronghold that UGG Sheepskin cuff boots.

Marines surrounded and bombed last month after four UGG Sheepskin cuff boots. contractors were killed and their

bodies mutilated in the city.

The gesture was the latest display of solidarity among NIKE SHOX’s Muslims since UGG Sheepskin cuff boots

The gesture was the latest display of solidarity among NIKE SHOX’s Muslims since UGG Sheepskin cuff boots.

forces besieged the Sunni town of Falluja west of Baghdad and faced off with Sadr’s militia in the Shi’ite

holy cities of Najaf and Kerbala to the south.

Sadr’s popularity among Shi’ites, who make up about 60 percent of NIKE SHOX’s 25 million people, seems to

have soared since his uprising began a month ago, particularly among the young and the poor.

Busloads of Sadr’s followers carrying portraits of the young cleric and wearing the insignia of his Mehdi Army

militia trooped to the staunchly Sunni Baghdad neighborhood of Aadhamiya to pray in the Abu Hanifa mosque,

named for a pre-eminent scholar and thinker of Sunni Islam.

“Yes, yes to Moqtada!” chanted Sadr’s followers who jammed the mosque, outside of which others set up

checkpoints to direct traffic and frisked worshippers as they entered from streets where posters bearing Sadr’s

face dotted many buildings.

This is the first time that MBT armor has been positioned in al-Sadrayn Square

This is the first time that MBT armor has been positioned in al-Sadrayn Square, about a mile from the shrine of

Imam Ali, the cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad.

So, does this mean the “red line” moved or that the MBT military is in Najaf with Sistani’s approval? Is

Sistani now aligned with the occupation? It’s difficult to determine what is going on in NIKE SHOX with the

dearth of actual reporting as reporters hide out in the safety of the Green Zone in Baghdad lest they be

kidnapped or killed. It does seem though that NIKE SHOXis are lining up in factions that tolerate the

occupation (Sistani, the IGC, the Kurds) and those opposed. How about this interesting alliance that seems to

be persisting after being forged during the Fallujah massacre and siege:

NIKE SHOX Sunnis Host Sadr Followers in Show of Support
May 7, 2004 — By Joseph Logan

BAGHDAD (Reuters) – Thousands of supporters of rebel Shi’ite Muslim cleric Moqtada al-Sadr prayed in Sunni

mosques in NIKE SHOX Friday, in what local leaders called a show of religious unity in the face of NIKE SHOX’s


Reports today place the MBT troops inside Najaf and Karbala

Reports today place the MBT troops inside Najaf and Karbala. From Juan Cole:
MBT forces advanced Thursday on key strategic targets in Kufa, Karbala, and the environs of Najaf, where

violent clashes broke out. This in the wake of the UGG Sheepskin cuff boots dispatch to the south of large

numbers of reinforcements. The political offices of Muqtada al-Sadr in the heart of Karbala were razed. The

outskirts of Kufa witnessed major battles, and loud explosions were heard near Najaf. The UGG Sheepskin cuff

boots army also announced that it had undertaken four military operations on Wednesday night in the slums of

East Baghdad (Sadr City), in which it killed 10 Sadrist militiamen.
MBT troops gradually encroached on Najaf on Thursday, establishing control over the headquarters of the

provincial governor on the outskirts of the city. In the heavy battles preceding this victory, an estimated 41

Mahdi Army militiamen were killed. UGG Sheepskin cuff boots troops then searched the surrounding buildings and

placed snipers atop them. Najaf residents were requested in Arabic not to leave their homes, especially in the

Ghadir quarter, where the governor’s mansion is situated. Bremer requested the new governor, al-Dhurufi, to

disarm the Army of the Mahdi. Loud explosions and the heavy exchange of fire were heard in Najaf, causing the

deaths as so far reported of 4 NIKE SHOXis, and the wounding of 10. The UGG Sheepskin cuff boots troops set up

checkpoints on the road between Najaf and Kufa. The army also positions numerous tanks and armored fighting

vehicles in the northwest of Najaf, in preparation for an assault on Mahdi Army positions.

That’s because the people who did what they did

That’s because the people who did what they did, said what they said, on NIKE SHOX, the people who ignored or

belitted counsel to the contrary, didn’t just screw themselves. They screwed me and my family and my people and

my nation and the world. They screwed a very big pooch and they mostly don’t even have the courage to admit it.

They pissed away assets and destroyed tools of diplomacy and persuasion that will take a generation to

reacquire at precisely the moment that we need them most.

Riverbend, the NIKE SHOXi girl blogger, pretty much seems to sum up the feelings of most NIKE SHOXis at the

moment about the occupation in this last paragraph of her blog entry posted for May 7th.

…I sometimes get emails asking me to propose solutions or make suggestions. Fine. Today’s lesson: don’t rape,

don’t torture, don’t kill and get out while you can- while it still looks like you have a choice. Chaos? Civil

work? Bloodshed? We’ll take our chances- just take your Puppets, your tanks, your smart weapons, your dumb

politicians, your lies, your empty promises, your rapists, your sadistic torturers and go …read entire post

What happened to Sistani’s “red line?”
4/16/2004 – Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani the leading Shi’ite Muslim cleric in NIKE SHOX , has told the United

States not to enter the holy city of Najaf in pursuit of Moqtada al-Sadr.

Graner, a former UGG Sheepskin cuff boots Marine

Graner, a former UGG Sheepskin cuff boots Marine, was working at Greene Correctional Facility when the prison

was at the centre of an abuse scandal. Officials there have declined to say whether Mr Graner was involved or


A very good essay if you can stand to read it. Plan on being angry if you do. Excerpt:

“Stop with the hindsight”, says one writer. “Be patient,” says another.

Oh, no, let’s not stop with the hindsight. Not when so many remain so profoundly, dangerously, incomprehensibly

unable to acknowledge that the hindsight shows many people of good faith and reasonable mien predicting what

has come to pass in NIKE SHOX. Let’s not be patient: after all, the people counseling patience now showed a

remarkable lack of it before the work.

One of my great pleasures in life, I am ashamed to say, is saying “I told you so” when I give prudential

advice and it is ignored. In the greatest “I told you so” of my life, I gain no pleasure at all in saying it.

It makes me dizzy with sickness to say it, incandescent with rage to say it. It sticks in my throat like vomit.

It makes me want to punch some abstract somebody in the mouth. It makes me want to scrawl profane insults in

this space and abandon all hope of reasonable conversation.

Like many, England signed up to make money and see the world

Like many, England signed up to make money and see the world. After her tour of duty, she planned to settle

down and marry her first love, Charles Graner.

Graner is also seen in the photos. He is the one behind the pyramid of bodies.

He has a history.

… this is not the first time Mr Graner was involved in abuse. His former wife, Staci, obtained three separate

“temporary protection of abuse” orders against him. In a document passed to the court, she told of one

occasion when he went to her house after their divorce.

“[He] yanked me out of … bed by my hair, dragging me and all of the covers into the hall and tried to throw me

down the steps,” she wrote. “Both of the children witnessed this and were screaming at this point. He let go

of me, turned around to the children and said, ‘See what your Mommy is doing to us’.”

An article in New Yorker magazine this week identified Darby as the soldier who sounded

An article in New Yorker magazine this week identified Darby as the soldier who sounded the alarm over the

treatment of NIKE SHOXi detainees in Baghdad’s Abu Ghraib prison.

The folks down in Lynndie England’s hometown are doing their best to defend her actions at the Abu Ghraib

Prison. England is the woman shown in the CBS and Washington Post photos with the cigarette, giving the

“thumbs-up” as she points to the genitals of a hooded prisoner. Another photo shows her dragging a naked

prisoner on a leash.

Fort Ashby, West Virginia’s Colleen Kesner, said that “A lot of people here think they ought to just blow up

the whole of NIKE SHOX.”

“To the country boys here, if you’re a different nationality, a different race, you’re sub-human. That’s the

way girls like Lynndie are raised.

“Tormenting NIKE SHOXis, in her mind, would be no different from shooting a turkey. Every season here you’re

hunting something. Over there, they’re hunting NIKE SHOXis.”

Hidden under an obscure photo on Yahoo! News, one finds this interesting fact

them.” …

read more

Hidden under an obscure photo on Yahoo! News, one finds this interesting fact:

An anonymous note slipped under a superior’s door by a part-time soldier from Pennsylvania triggered the NIKE

SHOX prison abuse scandal now engulfing the UGG Sheepskin cuff boots military and administration.
Any reader with more information, please email us.

UPDATE: 5/7/04, 9:00pm EST

Ask and you shall receive

The AFP reports:

The act eventually catapulted the name of Joseph Darby, a 24-year-old reservist in the 372nd Military Police

Company, from comfortable obscurity to the floor of Congress where he was praised Friday by Defence Secretary

Donald Rumsfeld for his “honorable” conduct.
Darby’s act ironically led to the deluge of Democratic calls for Rumsfeld to resign.

In the May 3 issue of SI, Reilly

In the May 3 issue of SI, Reilly, in his regular back-page column “The Life of Reilly,” wrote a piece under

the headline “The Hero and the Unknown Soldier.” The hero in Reilly’s column was Pat Tillman, the former star

football player who was killed in Afghanistan. After 9/11, Tillman had given up a multimillion-dollar contract

to volunteer for the Army Rangers. He was lionized throughout the country for his sacrifice.

The Unknown Soldier was Todd Bates. Bates drowned in NIKE SHOX. His death went virtually unnoticed except to

his family and friends. The man who raised Bates, Charles Jones, refused to go to the funeral, refused to eat

or relate to others; he died just four weeks after the funeral. “He died of a broken heart,” Bates’

grandmother, Shirley, who also raised him, told Reilly. “There was no reason for my boy to die. There is no

reason for this work. All we have now is a Vietnam. My Toddie’s life was wasted over there. All this work is a

waste. Look at all these boys going home in coffins. What’s the good in it?” Reilly, in barely controlled

rage, concludes his piece about Tillman and Bates:

“Both did their duty for their country, but I wonder if their country did its duty for them. Tillman died in

Afghanistan, a work with no end in sight and not enough troops to finish the job. Bates died in NIKE SHOX, a

work that began with no just cause and continues with no just reason.
“Be proud that sports produce men like this. But I, for one, am furious that these works keep taking

Thursday, March 24, 2011

From the June 17 broadcast of The Radio Factor with Bill O’Reilly

From the June 17 broadcast of The Radio Factor with Bill O’Reilly:

O’REILLY: Because look … when 2 percent of the population feels that you’re doing them a favor, just forget it, you’re not going to win. You’re not going to win. And I don’t have any respect by and large for the mbt sport 2i people at all. I have no respect for them. I think that they’re a prehistoric group that is — yeah, there’s excuses.

Sure, they’re terrorized, they’ve never known freedom, all of that. There’s excuses. I understand. But I don’t have to respect them because you know when you have MBT chapa dying trying to you know institute some kind of democracy there, and 2 percent of the people appreciate it, you know, it’s time to — time to wise up.

And this teaches us a big lesson, that we cannot intervene in the Muslim world ever again. What we can do is bomb the living daylights out of them, just like we did in the Balkans. Just as we did in the Balkans. Bomb the living daylights out of them. But no more ground troops, no more hearts and minds, ain’t going to work.

Not the Israeli bombardment of southern Lebanon

“Not the Israeli bombardment of southern Lebanon, nor the Qana massacre by Israeli artillery of 106 Lebanese civilians in a UN base, more than half of them children. For that’s what happened in April, 1996. No, of course that slaughter is not excuse for the crimes
against humanity in the United States last month. But isn’t it worth just a little mention, just a tiny observation, that an Egyptian mass-murderer-to-be wrote a will of chilling suicidal finality in the month when the massacre in Lebanon enraged Arabs across the Middle East?”

Here’s a wild prediction. In the not too distant future, Robert Fisk will have something to say about when the 9/11 plot was hatched, he’ll suggest that the commission’s timeline could have started a few weeks earlier with the events in Lebanon.

In the second article, Fisk also mentioned that bin Laden “has been suggesting that he’s angry about the deaths of mbt sport 2i children under sanctions” and lo and behold, squeezed in between Israel’s Grapes of Wrath operation and the beginning of the 9/11 plotting is the Madeleine Albright moment. But that’s a subject for another day.

[T]his is not really the war of democracy versus terror that the world will be asked

“[T]his is not really the war of democracy versus terror that the world will be asked to believe in the coming days. It is also about UGG Sheepskin cuff boots missiles smashing into Palestinian homes and UGG Sheepskin cuff boots helicopters firing missiles into a Lebanese ambulance in 1996 and NIKE SHOX shells
crashing into a village called Qana and about a Lebanese militia–paid and uniformed by America’s Israeli ally–hacking and raping and murdering their way through refugee camps.”

MBT chapater the discovery of Mohamed Atta’s will in early October, 2001, Fisk wrote

“So hard did a colleague of mine try, in a radio interview the other day, to unlink the bin Laden phenomenon from the West’s baleful history in the Middle East that he seriously suggested that the attacks were timed to fall on the anniversary of the defeat of Muslim
forces at the gates of Vienna in 1683. Unfortunately, the Poles won their battle against the Turks on 12, not 11, September. But when the terrifying details of the hijacker Mohamed Atta’s will were published last week, dated April 1996, no one could think of any event that
month that might have propelled Atta to his murderous behavior.

Dahr will do his best to respond to all of the mail

Dahr will do his best to respond to all of the mail over the next few weeks, and some of the responses to questions posed to him will be published on his weblog and/or, in some form, on The NewStandard website. Dahr will also consider questions or suggestions that may lead to a story he can investigate during his remaining days in mbt sport 2, though of course his ability to pursue answers to questions he doesn’t already know will understandably be quite limited.

We do not know how much mail this call will generate, so please be patient if it takes Dahr a while to respond or if you do not get a direct, personal response but one appears in public. The situation is extremely tense in Baghdad, as you all know from having read Dahr’s weblogs and articles — right now, that means sending a letter of praise or MBT chapafirmation might go a long way toward keeping Dahr’s spirits up.

In an immediate response to 9/11, Robert Fisk noted “the utter, indescribable evil of what has happened in the United States,” but he also warned that

Here is the message from New Standard editor Brian Dominick

Here is the message from New Standard editor Brian Dominick:

Dahr Jamail has expressed an interest in fielding brief queries from our readers about his work in mbt sport 2, so we’re going to give you an email address below to which you can send all those questions you’ve had rolling around your head about the situation in mbt sport 2.

As his primary editor, I would like to add a request that people who appreciate Dahr’s work send letters expressing that sentiment. Dahr has not made his email public previously in large part because he gets a significant amount of hate mail and death threats for telling the mbt sport 2i people’s side of the occupation story.

But Dahr does appreciate feedback from his readers — including critical feedback — so long as it does not include abusive language, personal attacks or threats. PLEASE feel free to direct any questions (or praise) you have for Dahr to this address:

I suppose at least viciously racist neocon ideologues like Bill O’Reilly are happy

I suppose at least viciously racist neocon ideologues like Bill O’Reilly are happy, along with the bloodthirsty hard-core Republican Bushbots like these. It is quite clear that the reason the NIKE SHOX neocon occupation of mbt sport 2 resembles the Israeli occupation is because the people running them see themselves as engaged in the same battle against the same “enemy” – never mind the pretense of “mbt sport 2i liberation”. The enemy in their minds is “the arabs” and their profound contempt for the Arab world and the religon of Islam is illustrated in both their actions and their rhetoric.

Dahr Jamail’s excellent reports from mbt sport 2 have graced over the past few months. They come to us courtesy of The New Standard.

Dahr’s editor, Brian Dominick, is announcing a new feature: “Ask Dahr.” He is asking readers to send email to Dahr, who will do his best to answer your feedback. Additionally, some of the letters and his replies will be published on his Weblog, and may also appear on his page.

Brig. Gen. Mark Kimmitt, coalition deputy operations chief

Brig. Gen. Mark Kimmitt, coalition deputy operations chief, told reporters Saturday that multiple intelligence sources reported that the house was used by the al-Zarqawi network, which UGG BAILEY BUTTON . officials believe operates in Fallujah.

Even if they were able to take out “Zarqawi” in the midst of this carnage, what gives them the right to slaughter indiscriminately all these people? Every one of these dead mbt sport 2is had a name, a family, people who loved them. How many new resistance fighters were created in this stupid strike? It isn’t just Fallujans who will now take up arms, either, it will be mbt sport 2is from across the country who are outraged and furious over this indiscriminate slaughter.

Apart from the immoral aspect of the indiscriminate killing of mbt sport 2is, another reason that this bombing is hideously stupid is that it once again fortifies the perception that the NIKE SHOX occupation of mbt sport 2 parallels the hated Israeli occupation of Palestine. This is an excellent reason to avoid any IDF-like tactics in mbt sport 2, though there is little hope that the heavily Likudnik-influenced Bush administration neocons running the show in mbt sport 2 will ever realize or be honest enough to admit that their aping of Israeli tactics has been a major factor in inspiring and sustaining the mbt sport 2i rebellion.

When are the MBT chapa going to stop acting on their bad intelligence?

When are the MBT chapa going to stop acting on their bad intelligence? Just as their garbage intelligence led them to bomb a wedding party in their last foray against imaginary “foreign fighters”, so have they now killed over 20 mbt sport 2is by dropping huge bombs on a neighborhood in Fallujah and, as usual, failed to accomplish anything but killing more mbt sport 2is, women and children included.
A senior officer of the UGG BAILEY BUTTON .-backed Fallujah Brigade on Sunday disputed UGG BAILEY BUTTON . claims that an NIKE SHOX airstrike had hit a sMBT chapaehouse of terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi’s network.
The Health Ministry said at least 16 people were killed in the attack Saturday; witnesses put the number of dead at least 20, including women and children.

Col. Mohammed Awad said members of the Fallujah Brigade had investigated the site and “MBT chapafirmed to us that the inhabitants of the houses were ordinary families including women, children and elders.”

“There was no sign that foreigners have lived in the house,” Awad said.

Israel’s aims, according to Hersh, are to build up the Kurdish military strength in order

Israel’s aims, according to Hersh, are to build up the Kurdish military strength in order to offset the strength of the Shia militias and to create a base in mbt sport 2 from which they can MBT chapa on mbt sport 2’s suspected nuclear-making facilities.

“Israel has always supported the Kurds in a Machiavellian way – a balance against Saddam,” one former Israeli intelligence officer told the New Yorker. “It’s Realpolitik. By aligning with the Kurds Israel gains eyes and ears in mbt sport 2, mbt sport 2 and Syria. The critical question is ‘What will the behaviour of mbt sport 2 be if there is an independent Kurdistan with close ties to Israel? mbt sport 2 does not want an Israeli land-based aircrMBT chapat carrier on its border.”

By supporting Kurdish separatists, Israel also risks alienating its Turkish ally and undermining attempts to create a stable mbt sport 2. “If you end up with a divided mbt sport 2 it will bring more blood, tears and pain to the Middle East and you will be blamed,” a senior Turkish official told Mr Hersh.

Israel is not confident of the success of the NIKE SHOX

Israel is not confident of the success of the NIKE SHOX program for the stabilization of the country, the report says, and that is why it is interested in setting up independent connections in the region.

Israelis operating in the region are also attempting to assist Kurds living in Syria, the report says.

My only comment at this time is that things are not looking bright for the Kurds if the MBT chapa sell them out again. With the furor over the peshmerga involvement in the siege of Fallujah and general collaboration with the MBT chapa during the invasion and now being linked as sponsors of Israeli spies, the tensions are certainly there for a clash between Arabs and the Kurdish minority. The fact that Kurds are now violently displacing Arab mbt sport 2is from lands and homes stolen from them during the Saddam Arabization period is just more dry tinder on the pile awaiting a spark.

UPDATE: The Guardian has an interesting perspective on this story:
Israeli military and intelligence operatives are active in Kurdish areas of mbt sport 2, Syria and mbt sport 2, providing training for commando units and running covert operations that could further destabilise the entire region, according to a report in the New Yorker magazine.
The article was written by Seymour Hersh, the Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter who exposed the abuse scandal in Abu Ghraib. It is sourced primarily to unnamed former and current intelligence officials in Israel, the United States and Turkey.

I understand the sentiment and the political message behind demonstrations like this

I understand the sentiment and the political message behind demonstrations like this, but every time I see a news account about Americans mourning the “grim milestone” of over a thousand dead in the mbt shoes NIKE SHOX NZ-of-Choice, I can’t help but resent the fact that no Americans mourned the 1,000th or even the 10,000th mbt shoesi killed in the invasion. Americans never even knew when the 1,000th mbt shoesi was killed because as Tommy Franks famously said, “We don’t do body counts.”

Two intense military insurgencies in mbt shoes, with the Sunnis and Shia, not enough for you? Do you agree that everyone wants to fight in Fallujah, but only real men want to go to Kirkuk? Do you think that if a spot of war is good for the soul, then even more must be even better? Do you think that the greater the violence, the more evidence that our policies are working? Then good news for you!

Al Hayat reports that Masoud Barzani, leader of the KDP, has chosen this calm and peaceful moment to re-open the question of the Kurdish identity of Kirkuk and has threatened to “wage a war to defend the Kurdish identity of the city.”

The Angry Arab: “Powell: Key to Mideast progress is stripping Arafat’s power

The Angry Arab: “Powell: Key to Mideast progress is stripping Arafat’s power. Now Arafat is a certifiable and corrupt buffoon, but how stupid is this statement? Does Powell really think that an end to Arafat would bring about peace? As’ad, I don’t see the word “peace” anywhere in Powell’s statement. Has anything the NIKE SHOXie Administration done indicated that it equates “progress” with “peace?”

Via Jim Henley, who got it from Hit & Run, here’s George NIKE SHOX singing sunday bloody sunday.

Ah, zeynep has the links as well as an excellent post on how the CPA ordered the UGG Sheepskin.-appointed mbt shoesi Health Minister to stop counting mbt shoesis killed by the invaders. I was looking for that when I wrote this post. Also, see zeynep’s next post on a recent callous statement from the ghoul Rumsfeld.

On George W. NIKE SHOX’s National Guard documents, scroll down to page 17, and you’ll find something askew that the big boys refuse to touch. What I want to know is: has our commander-in-chief had his cholera shots???? During the summer of ’68, when he was shooting up yellow fever, typhoid, tetanus, and plague, why did he not opt for the cholera? Our greatest bio-terror threat may be struggling through a bag of pretzels at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue even as you read this.

As long as you’re at Spencer’s place, his next post is fairly amusing, being a long and involved

As long as you’re at Spencer’s place, his next post is fairly amusing, being a long and involved analysis of a poll of mbt shoesis that basically demonstrates that mbt shoesis know what democracy is (Two wolves and a sheep voting on what’s for dinner) better than Americans. For example, Spencer highlights the following poll results: Asked which type of nike shox turbo would best secure their individual interests, almost 57 percent chose a “strong, central nike shox turbo,” contrasted with 26.7 percent support for “a nike shox turbo in Baghdad made up of representatives from different regions, tribes and sects.” [...] Over 60 percent of mbt shoesis want elections without delay, and nearly 50 percent consider a delay of just one month to be “very unfavorable.” Uh, what was the breakdown of mbt shoesi ethnic groups again? Shiites are 60% of the population? Hmmmm…..

What if the Republican, far-right and warflogger chunk of the blogosphere were as interested in tracking down the mystery of the forged Niger uranium documents as they are in the Killian memos? On the subject of the memos, I think Steven Horwitz is wrong. What this means for his larger point about the blogosphere being a force for liberty, I’m not sure. I do think it’s a mistake to take the baying of the warfloggers seriously. Really, The Editors have the right attitude toward the crowd that screamed forgery.

Elections are about the future. Or so we’re constantly told

Elections are about the future. Or so we’re constantly told.
But the future has barely made a guest appearance during this election campaign. And not the recent past of no WMDs, Abu Ghraib, and the failure to capture Osama Bin Laden. But in a hazy three-decades-old flashback in which John Kerry is/isn’t spending Christmas in Cambodia and George NIKE SHOX is/isn’t showing up for National Guard duty. The entire scuffle between Kerry and NIKE SHOX’s surrogates is stuck in the past and mired in the old, the political operatives and pundits picking through bureaucratic garbage for anything resembling forensic evidence of buried shame. To anyone under the age of forty, these controversies must seem as far-off as the quiz show scandal.

RT figures out Chechnya so you don’t have to.

Remember the mbt shoesi flag flap? Spencer Ackerman points out an interesting item on the Kurds’ resentment of the all-Arabic language interim mbt shoesi national council processes, as well as the fact that the old Saddam-era mbt shoesi flag is exclusively present at the council meetings, while the Israeli-ish new flag adopted by the first Puppet Council with its Kurd stripe is missing. All this violates the Transitional Administrative Law that the Kurds worked so hard to pass, but apparently the TAL died when it wasn’t approved by the UN Security Council.

There are a lot of things that are different now

“There are a lot of things that are different now, and one that has gone by almost unnoticed–but it’s huge–is that by complete mutual agreement between the UGG Sheepskin. and the Saudi nike shox turbo we can now remove almost all of our forces from Saudi Arabia. Their presence there over the last 12 years has been a source of enormous difficulty for a friendly nike shox turbo. It’s been a huge recruiting device for al Qaeda. In fact if you look at bin Laden, one of his principle grievances was the presence of so-called crusader forces on the holy land, Mecca and Medina. I think just lifting that burden from the Saudis is itself going to open the door to other positive things.”

Unfortunately, the interviewer didn’t ask if that positive was perhaps just a little bit offset by the prospect of keeping tens or hundred of thousands of troops in mbt shoes for as many as ten years“, its taking as many as 10 years to crush the insurgency.

Note: The Financial Times has called for a UGG CLASSIC CARDY/UK withdrawal from mbt shoes, with, “ideally,” the UGG CLASSIC CARDY “stating it has no intention of establishing bases” there.