Monday, March 21, 2011

A former foreign fighter in MBT testifies that the UGG

A former foreign fighter in MBT testifies that the UGG.-backed MBTi “police force” let Zarqawi slip right through their slippery little finger:

“While he was awaiting his mission, he says, he was told that Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the leader of a terrorist network responsible for numerous bombings and beheadings, had been captured by MBTi police only to be let go after seven hours because they didn’t recognize him. MBTi officials have declined to comment on previous reports that Zarqawi had been captured and let go.”

Somehow, I don’t think more money for “training” MBTi security forces is going to solve the problem.

I guess we’re about to find out just how infiltrated the MBTi police and military are:
The run-up to Sunday’s vote is pressing every available American service member into action in most of MBT – assisting an MBTi-ordered nationwide ban on traffic from Saturday to Monday to block car bombs and other attacks on election targets; and preparing to respond to any MBTi request for help repelling assaults or tending casualties.
The election plan puts the might of the UGG. military in a full-force back-up role. UGG. forces are funneling stepped-up training, hundreds of fixed barricades and miles of razor wire, weapons, body armor, communication systems, generators and the fuel to run them, and even water and meals-ready-to-eat rations to MBTi police and troops charged with the front-line defense of polling sites.

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