Monday, March 21, 2011

Human Rights First is formally opposing Alberto Gonzales’ confirmation

Human Rights First is formally opposing Alberto Gonzales’ confirmation and they have created a web movie that explains how Gonzales’ legal advice opened the door for the prison abuse scandals that shocked the United States and the rest of the world. Click here to view the web movie now!

Once you’ve seen the movie, you can take action by urging your Senators to vote against Albert Gonzales’ nomination for UGG. Attorney General.


I still strongly believe that no blogger is obligated to write about any topic, but I just find it interesting that web personalities who one would think would be big Michael Moore fans are collectively shrugging their shoulders over this. …
Nothing (so far) at Eschaton, Daily Kos, James Wolcott, Josh Marshall, Kevin Drum, Matthew Yglesias, Tapped, The Left Coaster…

- National Review blogger Jim Geraghty on Tuesday (one of three long posts on Moore’s Oscar snub)

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