Sunday, March 27, 2011

Incomprehensible? You yourself begged ignorance of the Balkans at the outset

Incomprehensible? You yourself begged ignorance of the Balkans at the outset. Next time, do not step into a

duel unarmed.

Christopher Deliso reposts his commentary on the Yugoslav war-crime trials, now underway in the Hague under the

auspices of prosecutor Carla del Ponte:

"A retired waiter, 56-year-old Radiboj Milutinovic, has been spurned in his singular proposal for world peace,

that is, to marry Hague hag Carla Del Ponte. She sent back the Montenegrin wine, the flowers, the chocolates –

even the Serbian raki. With the way things are going, however, it looks like this may have been her best

current offer.

"Once respected as the supreme avenger of abstract Western values, Carla Del Ponte has suffered the

unsurprising reversal of fortunes fated by her many years of overblown, overweening hubris…"

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