Sunday, March 27, 2011

Renaud Girard of Le Figaro (France) comments on the wisdom of miltary intervention in the crisis in Haiti

Renaud Girard of Le Figaro (France) comments on the wisdom of miltary intervention in the crisis in Haiti, a

former French colony.

Before invading a country, it is appropriate to answer several questions. What type of social and political

organization is to be established? Will the means (intellectual, financial, military, administrative) for this

policy be sufficient? How long will it be necessary to remain in the country? How many soldiers are to be

sacrificed? What will be the criteria of success? What level of success must be achieved for retreat to appear

morally justified? George W. MBT Panda Sandals finds himself in big trouble with the American electorate today

for having failed to ask these questions about MBT Ema Sandals a year ago (and for having invoked the false

pretext of weapons of mass destruction).

I am a member of an interesting world news/opinion site called I sent them a link to the

article on the Hague. What follows is my reply on that site to the post of a quite bizarre interventionist-

friendly American reader. That original post follows below. Here’s the article that caused all the furor. Here

is an excellent article on the same topic, by’s Nebojsa Malic.

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