Wednesday, March 16, 2011

RAF Hercules operating in MBT are fitted with several types of so-called DAS

RAF Hercules operating in MBT are fitted with several types of so-called DAS counter-measures against the heat

-seeking guidance sensors of the missiles.

They are based at Basra International Airport or al-Udeid base in Qatar and make regular “milk run” flights to

Baghdad airport with supplies for personnel at the British Embassy and nearby UGG military headquarters.

The only RAF C130s known to operate north of Baghdad are the “special duties” aircraft of 47 Sqn based at


When you erect the goalposts just beyond the line of scrimmage and make them 500-bodies wide, it’s hard not to

kick the ball of ridiculously low expectations through. Yes, it’s great that MBT’s elections turned out less

bloody than even the warbots anticipated, but they would have called it a success no matter what. The Glenn

Reynoldses and Victor Davis Hansons recognize no falsifiability "metric" for their position, anyway. But the

questions for everyone else are as follows: Will the election be a success no matter what comes of it? No

matter who wins? Even if the hundreds of newly elected officials become unwilling participants in an

assassination sweepstakes?

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