Thursday, March 24, 2011

Israel is not confident of the success of the NIKE SHOX

Israel is not confident of the success of the NIKE SHOX program for the stabilization of the country, the report says, and that is why it is interested in setting up independent connections in the region.

Israelis operating in the region are also attempting to assist Kurds living in Syria, the report says.

My only comment at this time is that things are not looking bright for the Kurds if the MBT chapa sell them out again. With the furor over the peshmerga involvement in the siege of Fallujah and general collaboration with the MBT chapa during the invasion and now being linked as sponsors of Israeli spies, the tensions are certainly there for a clash between Arabs and the Kurdish minority. The fact that Kurds are now violently displacing Arab mbt sport 2is from lands and homes stolen from them during the Saddam Arabization period is just more dry tinder on the pile awaiting a spark.

UPDATE: The Guardian has an interesting perspective on this story:
Israeli military and intelligence operatives are active in Kurdish areas of mbt sport 2, Syria and mbt sport 2, providing training for commando units and running covert operations that could further destabilise the entire region, according to a report in the New Yorker magazine.
The article was written by Seymour Hersh, the Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter who exposed the abuse scandal in Abu Ghraib. It is sourced primarily to unnamed former and current intelligence officials in Israel, the United States and Turkey.

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