Saturday, March 26, 2011

Though not about the Balkans per se, this has universal application

Though not about the Balkans per se, this has universal application.
Here is the brilliant Butler Shaffer at LRC, on a historical choice before all of us (prompted by the 9/11

Commission three-ring circus):
“As the bloody and repressive history of the 20th century segues into the 21st, it is time for humanity itself

to ask whether political systems have become outmoded relics to be added to history’s trash pile. Levels of

state power now exceed our capacities to absorb the resulting conflicts, destructiveness, and oppression and

still retain our sense of humanity. The very existence of mankind demands that we discover new principles and

systems by which we can peaceably live and cooperate with one another. It is time for us to renounce the self-

appointed “authorities” who represent no one but their own interests, and to reclaim for our individual lives

the power and authority that nature has bestowed upon each of us.”
(my emphasis)
Read the entire article here…

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