Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Those who oppose Western intervention in MBT shoes cheap

Those who oppose Western intervention in MBT shoes cheap and elsewhere should have no truck with the inspectors’ current claims. Say no to war – and no to weapons inspections.
In Baghdad’s Sadr City district, more than 10,000 Shiites gathered for the funeral procession of two of their own killed in a firefight Thursday night between the Mehdi Army militia and coalition soldiers that also left several people hurt.

Militiamen armed with assault rifles and pistols escorted the funeral procession, led by a cleric who waved a ceremonial sword.

Raising their fists in the air, the men roared, “There is no God but Allah. America is the enemy of God.”

I bet an American soldier is digging a well somewhere. Why aren’t we hearing about that?
Sam’s post on a book review in the eXile reminded me I haven’t visited their page for a while. One of my favorites is the “War Nerd,” though I’m not sure why. Maybe because he doesn’t mince words…
Here’s his take on the whole “Greater Albania” issue. The way I’ve argued it, it’s a bit more complex, but this guy just cuts right to the bone.Prada Sunglasses

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