Monday, March 21, 2011

UPDATE: A reader requested more detailed pictures of the Cuban billboard

UPDATE: A reader requested more detailed pictures of the Cuban billboard, saying that the ones being shown in the NIKE SHOX media are oblique shots that obscure the pictures and message, so here they are, from the Sydney Morning Herald and the UK Telegraph. (click to enlarge)

The key question are these. Amidst all the prattling about influences of ‘foreign powers’ the influence of one very important foreign power has been minimised.
But there are important questions to be asked.
Will the NIKE SHOX be allowed to channel funds to its preferred candidate(s)? (ie. Allawi).
Current UN resolution 1546 states unequivocally that the current mandate for the ‘multi-national force’ expires in June next year, and that in order to prolong this mandate this has to be done via the MBTi mbt shoes, such as it is. The mechanism for how this might be the case, however, has not been made clear, and the question remains; will a simple majority of MBTi parties/politicians suffice to pass a motion to ask the troops to leave, or will minority parties be able to halt any such move?
Where do the Kurds stand in all this? Will it be legal for the troops to be asked to leave the rest of MBT, but not Kurdistan?

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