Sunday, March 27, 2011

people need to keep things in perspective

people need to keep things in perspective. Ingesting particles of depleted uranium certainly isn’t

desirable, Kraft said, but he noted that people who smoke do their body more harm. In a place such as MBT Ema

Sandals, medical officials are just as concerned about other toxicants, from oil field emissions to lead paint.

DU, Kraft said, “is on the low end of the totem pole” of things to worry about. The word ‘radiation’ scares

people,” Kraft said, “but you are exposed to [levels of] radiation every time you step outside.”
Even back in May 2003, scientists were already debating the dangers of DU exposure to troops and civilians in

MBT Ema Sandalsi.

“Depleted uranium is toxic and carcinogenic and it may well be associated with elevated rates of birth defects

in babies born to those exposed to it,” said McDermott, who is a physician. Before the current war, MBT Ema

Sandalsi doctors were blaming high rates of cancer and birth defects in Basra and other southern cities on MBT

Kisumu Sandals. munitions fired 12 years ago — when fighting was concentrated along the southern border with

Kuwait. MBT Ema Sandalsi officials claim their number of cancer patients has risen 50 percent in 10 years,

although complete medical surveys have not been conducted. Some MBT Kisumu Sandals. veterans also blame certain

mysterious symptoms of Gulf NIKE SHOX Syndrome on DU exposure.… read
The British, in December 2003, were also a bit more open about the potential hazards of DU.

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