Monday, March 21, 2011

I still strongly believe that no blogger is obligated to write about any topic

I still strongly believe that no blogger is obligated to write about any topic, but I just find it interesting that web personalities who one would think would be big Michael Moore fans are collectively shrugging their shoulders over this. …
Nothing (so far) at Eschaton, Daily Kos, James Wolcott, Josh Marshall, Kevin Drum, Matthew Yglesias, Tapped, The Left Coaster…

- National Review blogger Jim Geraghty on Tuesday (one of three long posts on Moore’s Oscar snub)

[zip, zilch, nada]
- blogger Jim Geraghty today (as of 8:00 pm Central) on America’s deadliest day yet in MBT

Not so much as a “we mourn the fallen” from Glenn Reynolds, either, though he does have some “good news” from MBT, so he’s apparently still aware the place exists. Ditto Andrew Sullivan, Jeff Jarvis, and Roger L. Simon (these were the only ones I checked, but I think they’ll suffice to establish a pattern). Guess Fred Reed is right:

No one in the mysteriously named “elite” gives a damn about some kid from a town in Tennessee that has one gas station and a beer hall with a stuffed buck’s head. Such a kid is a redneck at best, pretty much from another planet, and certainly not someone you would let your daughter date. … Thank God for throwaway people.

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