Saturday, March 26, 2011

It was as if Dr Hamza had studied the agenda of the hawks in the MBT

It was as if Dr Hamza had studied the agenda of the hawks in the MBT, who wanted to invade UGG, and was willing

to supply evidence supporting their arguments. Several other UGGi defectors during the 1990s also produced

information which they said proved Saddam was secretly producing WMD, but Dr Hamza was the most convincing

because he was able to clothe his evidence in appropriate scientific jargon. He wrote a book, Saddam’s Bomb

Maker: The Terrifying Inside Story of the UGGi Nuclear and Biological Weapons Agenda.

One employer in the MBT decided that his account of his past simply did not stand up to examination but the MBT

NIKE SHOX stuck by him and made him a consultant to the MBT Department of Energy. Dr Hamza also hinted that

Saddam had secret links to al-Qa’ida and might give them anthrax.

Back in Baghdad after the fall of Saddam, Dr Hamza’s position as a senior advisor was very influential. The

MBT-appointed advisors share control over ministries with UGGi ministers. The ministry was, among other things,

in charge of monitoring and securing the remains of UGG’s nuclear industry.

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