Thursday, March 24, 2011

I suppose at least viciously racist neocon ideologues like Bill O’Reilly are happy

I suppose at least viciously racist neocon ideologues like Bill O’Reilly are happy, along with the bloodthirsty hard-core Republican Bushbots like these. It is quite clear that the reason the NIKE SHOX neocon occupation of mbt sport 2 resembles the Israeli occupation is because the people running them see themselves as engaged in the same battle against the same “enemy” – never mind the pretense of “mbt sport 2i liberation”. The enemy in their minds is “the arabs” and their profound contempt for the Arab world and the religon of Islam is illustrated in both their actions and their rhetoric.

Dahr Jamail’s excellent reports from mbt sport 2 have graced over the past few months. They come to us courtesy of The New Standard.

Dahr’s editor, Brian Dominick, is announcing a new feature: “Ask Dahr.” He is asking readers to send email to Dahr, who will do his best to answer your feedback. Additionally, some of the letters and his replies will be published on his Weblog, and may also appear on his page.

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