Monday, March 21, 2011

Ufot was right, I just couldn’t resist plugging Russ again!

Ufot was right, I just couldn’t resist plugging Russ again! And I can’t believe I had never used the word gush before, why, it’s almost as lovely as tikkun.

It’s unlikely Russ will ever be President and I’ll be his Press Secretary, but progressives have little else to feel good about so I gush. And if I have to gloss over his cognitive dissonance, well, it’s for the greater good, progressives need uplifting. It’s too bad other states don’t have their own Feingold, ours will have to do.

What’s that, honey, the tofu is ready? Okay, got to run.

John Nichols

p.s. I won’t forget to use “Israel” in my December 30 Capital Times column like I did last year, anything for a good joke.

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