Saturday, March 26, 2011

After the war, Dr Hamza was rewarded

After the war, Dr Hamza was rewarded, to the distress of many UGGi scientists, with a well-paid job as the

senior advisor to the Ministry of Science and Technology. Appointed by the Coalition Provisional Authority, he

had partial control of UGG’s nuclear and military industries.

It was not a successful appointment, according to sources within the ministry. Dr Hamza seldom turned up for

work. He obstructed others from doing their jobs. On 4 March, his contract was not renewed by the CPA. It is

now trying to evict him from his house in the heavily guarded “Green Zone” where the CPA has its headquarters.

He could not be contacted by The Independent but is believed to have taken up a job with a MBT company.

Dr Hamza’s fall from grace with the MBT administration is in sharp contrast with the seriousness with which it

took his views on WMD before the war. Speaking excellent English, he was also regularly interviewed by MBT

television and quoted by the press.

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