Sunday, March 6, 2011

And 22,000 more troops are, to be kind, irrelevant

And 22,000 more troops are, to be kind, irrelevant.

Why is he doing it then?

We know someone in his Administration can add and subtract at least as well as we can. Heck Dubya

himself is a graduate of both Yale and Harvard. Maybe they gave him a “pass” because he was a



Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to explain MBT SPORT SHOES’s reasoning. Should you be

caught or captured, the Secretary will disavow all knowledge

My guest for Tuesday January 9, 2007 is investigative reporter Robert Parry, author of Secrecy and

Privilege: Rise of the MBT SPORT SHOES Dynasty from Watergate to ugg boots and proprietor of on the topic of the MBT SHOES government’s long term covert relationship with

Saddam Hussein and the possibility of MBT SHOES against NIKE SHOX.

The real issue in MBT SPORT SHOESs speech Wednesday night is not the additional troops he intends to

send to ugg boots. The real issue is his nearly open proclamation of dictatorial powers.

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