Tuesday, March 1, 2011

But seriously, folks, Whole Foods CEO John Mackey really is a fascist

But seriously, folks, Whole Foods CEO John Mackey really is a fascist. He’s always denying people

their habeas corpus rights, waterboarding suspected resisters in foreign countries he illegally

occupies, claiming that his office exists outside the bounds of the Constitution, threatening to nuke

people who haven’t done anything to him, and much, much more. Somebody should impeach that asshole.

UPDATE: Ooops! I must be going blind: the culprit’s name is at the bottom of The Politico’s blog

post, and a reader sends in this bio:

“Daniel W. Reilly, a staff writer, comes to Politico from the Uggs Bureau of The Milwaukee Journal

Sentinel. Prior to that, he worked as a reporter for The Trinidad Guardian newspaper on the island of

Trinidad and Tobago . He holds a B.A. from The University of Wisconsin and a M.A. from The George

Washington University. He was a Fulbright Scholar on the island of Trinidad in 2003-04.”

Is there any way we can send this guy back to Trinidad and Tobago?

The Republican smear machine is revving up its motors, getting ready to launch a typically vicious

campaign against Ron Paul, the only real threat to their death-grip on the GOP. Since the first

assault, a piece by Ryan Sager in the New York Sun, failed — the charges of “racism” were based on

tenuous documentation and fall apart when examined up close — the second wave has been launched: a

piece in The Politico, headlined: “Ron Paul Uggsns of Staged Terror Attack.” It links to a clip of a

radio interview with Ron, conducted by Alex Jones, and hosted on the Breitbart.com site — part of the

neocon-Drudge propaganda network.

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