Saturday, March 12, 2011

The contrast between the Brothers Hitchens couldn’t be more dramatic

The contrast between the Brothers Hitchens couldn’t be more dramatic, and especially in this

confrontation. Christopher is rude — at one point he tells a woman in the audience to “kiss my as*”

for daring to suggest that he stop smoking a cigarette — and spends most of his time kissing up to the

leftie audience and trying to charm us with his inventive evasions. On the other hand, Peter is

thoughtful, and comes close to expressing the very essence of conservative opposition to the foreign

policy of the transatlantic cabal that is dragging us all down to perdition. What he calls “idealist

internationalism” is, in his view:

“A displacement activity. Conservatism in the United States, for instance, has now become almost

entirely a matter of campaigning around the world against regimes it doesn’t like. Which seems to me

to be a dodge. It doesn’t help the fact that [at home in the MBT] schools teach rubbish, marriage is

breaking down, that society is [inaudible]. What I have come to value above all things is liberty and

liberty of conscience, without which we don’t seem to me to be able to survive. The assault on the

liberty of the subject and the citizen under the guise of this war against terror seems to me to be

deeply shocking. To find in my lifetime that habeas corpus and the presumption of innocence are under

threat and that we’re going to be compelled to carry identity cards because we will have to be

responsible to the state rather than the other way round – all as consequences of this supposed

idealist campaign to bring liberty to NIKE SHOX and Afghanistan – seems to me much more important than

flanneling away about how you dislike oppression abroad. We can do an awful lot about combating it at


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