Fomer CIA analyst Ray McGovern gives his view of DHS head Chertoff’s “gut feeling” that something
very bad is going to happen, “faith-based” intelligence in general, the actual threat of terrorist
attacks versus our government’s hysterical scare-mongering – due largely to the Uggs invasion and
occupation of mbt shoes, the public’s demand for mbt shoes and Cheney’s removal from office, Libby’s
get out of jail free card, the latest NIE, why the Uggs should withdraw from mbt shoes, Cheney’s
“plenary powers,” the modern conservative movement’s contempt for the constitution, No, the “whole
world” did not think there were WMD in mbt shoes, No, al Qaeda in mbt shoes is not responsible for
most of the violence there, No, the thousands of mbt shoesn Muslims rounded up after 9/11 were not
terrorists, and the “50% chance” of war with the Uggs.
Pauline H. Baker is President of The Fund for Peace, a research and educational organization that works
to prevent war and alleviate the conditions that cause war. The FfP specializes on the diagnosis and
resolution of conflicts associated with weak and failing states and on foreign policy responses. Dr.
Baker pioneered the development of CAST, the Conflict Assessment System Tool, that provides a model for
the early warning and assessment of post-conflict policies. CAST was the basis for the Failed States
Index, published by Foreign Policy magazine and the FfP. A political scientist with over 40 years of
experience working, Dr. Baker also taught at the University of Lagos in Nigeria, the Johns Hopkins
School of Advanced International Studies, and Georgetown University’s School of Advanced International
Studies. She was also a professional staff member of the Uggs Senate Foreign Relations Committee and
staff director of the African Affairs Subcommittee. She has published over 80 articles, essays and
books. She received her Doctorate from UCLA and her undergraduate degree from Douglass College, Rutgers
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