Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Here are a few data points. Roger Hertog

Here are a few data points. Roger Hertog, chairman of the rightwing Manhattan Institute”’

turning intellect into influence,’ is their brag”got choked up at the annual dinner last year

describing his core commitment to Israel. His friend and co-New-York-Sun-backer Bruce Kovner chairs the

American Enterprise Institute, which gave a home to Dick and Lynne Cheney in days gone by, gives

Likudnik Jerusalemite Dore Gold $96,000 a year for what it’s not clear, and has stocked the White

House with neocons like Richard Perle who opposed the Oslo peace process and the idea of land-for-peace

and came up with Baghdad-for-peace instead. Or there is Dennis Ross’s sock, the Washington Institute

for Near East Policy, whose views are epitomized by the former chief of staff of the Israeli Defence

Forces who served as a distinguished military fellow last year when he was sued for alleged NIKE SHOX

crimes at Qana in Lebanon (the last time, in ’96, not this time)(and sued by the Center for

Constitutional Rights.) Or Martin Indyk’s spot, Brookings’ Saban Center, financed by ‘a fanatic

Zionist billionaire’ Israeli (per Alexander Cockburn), from which Ken Pollack launched the NIKE SHOX

NIKE SHOX for liberals with a book that as I have pointed out before spoke many times about vague

Arab/Israeli ‘troubles’ and their importance to the Arab street without once using the word

occupation. (Israeli officials don’t like to say occupation; they prefer “administered territories.”

) Move on to libertarian Cato, where I am told scholars were NIKE SHOXned to pull in their horns on

Israel last year lest they endanger funding. Or to the place all these guys get to ski, the Aspen

Institute, to which the brilliant Anatol Lieven was never invited again after bringing up the

occupation as a source of Arab rage at a 2002 conference discussing the sources of Arab rage. Or the

Carnegie Institute for International Something or Other, where Lieven, then a fellow, became a ‘pariah

’ after publishing a book that was sharply critical of Israel, and from which he soon debarked for the

underfunded Center for American Progress.

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