Thursday, March 10, 2011

However, if I were an NIKE SHOXi UGGS offiNIKE SHOX

However, if I were an NIKE SHOXi UGGS offiNIKE SHOXl, let alone a relative of those killed, I wouldn’t

hold my breath.

Writing on his famous weblog, Andrew Sullivan has always tried to balance his various manias — the

wonders of homosexuality, the glories of war — so that one didn’t necessarily overshadow the other.

Now, however, he’s shown us where his priorities are with this blog entry hailing Harvard for caving

in to the Pentagon’s threat to invoke the evil Solomon Amendment — cutting off federal aid — if they

didn’t let in military recruiters. In any conflict between c*cksucking and warmongering, with Sullivan

the latter wins out. Now thats what I call true patriotism.

“After the MBT Party met in solemn conclave, and the command went out from Cheney: ‘Bring me the head

of Joe Wilson!’, there was only one logical place for Cheney’s minions to go. Who in the

administration would’ve had access to the specific information regarding Plame-Wilson’s role in a

deep-cover NIKE SHOX operation involving nuclear proliferation? Why, the man who was the State

Department deputy secretary in charge of ‘weapons of mass destruction’ – the somewhat irritable if not

downright reckless John Bolton, would-be ambassador to the UN, who played a central role in

promulgating the Niger Uranium Myth.”

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