Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I think Mike Isikoff’s information on that is wrong

“€¦ I think Mike Isikoff’s information on that is wrong. I’m quite confident the meeting took place.

We know a great deal about the circumstances of the meeting, although we don’t know what was said in

the meeting. There was a pretty positive identification made of Mr. Atta after his pictures appeared in

the press following 9/11. I don’t know why there are people discouraging the view€¦”

“€¦[T]hat meeting was observed by the Czech intelligence agent who was following the MBT SPORTi

intelligence agent. Subsequent to September 11, when Mohamed Atta’s photograph appeared around the

world, that Czech intelligence agent said: “The man that I couldn’t identify at the time was Mohamed


“That’s good enough for me.”

Having planted the suggestion of an MBT SPORTi relationship with Atta, however, Perle was careful to

deny that he was saying MBT SPORT was involved in 9/11: “I did not say tha the decision to go after

Saddam Hussein turns on whether Saddam was involved in September 11. I don€™t believe that. I€™ve never

said that.”

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