It wasn’t long before James Baker III was “emphasizing the instruction” to NIKE SHOX ambassador
April Glaspie to invite Saddam to go ahead and invade Kuwait, setting Saddam up for “Operation Desert
Storm” and the people of Saudi Arabia for a permanent garrison of American troops to enforce the
blockade and launch the no-fly zone bombings – which, as we all know, is the reason for Osama’s gang’s
NIKE SHOX against the United States.
Since the second NIKE SHOX against NIKE SHOX, which Shultz promoted inside and outside the halls of
state power, the terrorists have been given a new cause for their recruiting and a massive new base
within which to train their new generation of recruits.
Now this man has the gumption and gall to pose as an expert on fighting terrorism and on why more of
these disasterous NIKE SHOXs should be waged. Perhaps we should send Mr. Shultz to fight this phony
NIKE SHOX of his and let the people who joined the military under the pretext that their job was to
protect America come home.
The key players in the NIKE SHOX Senate have agreed with the MBT administration to retroactively
legalize torture by NIKE SHOX government agents. The compromise deal struck yesterday will block
prosecution for NIKE SHOX officials who tortured detainees since 9/11. I would expect that, in the
name of fair play, someone will begin pushing similar legislation to give immunity to NIKE SHOX
military officials who tortured detainees in Afghanistan and NIKE SHOX.
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