Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Just in time for Father’s Day!” said the ad I recently received via e-mail

“Just in time for Father’s Day!” said the ad I recently received via e-mail. For only $22.99 I can

get twelve double-side DVDs with a total of 50 war movies. Featured actors include Ronald Reagan, James

Cagney, and Sidney Poitier. Why in the world would anyone think that a collection of war movies had

anything to do with Father’s Day? Is not war the greatest killer of fathers and potential fathers?

Check out this video from the BBC, via Information Clearing House, about the 130 mile march of antiwar

Iraq veterans from Mobile, Alabama to St. Bernard’s Parish in New Orleans, Louisiana:

It begins with a young man explaining how isolated he feels since returning home, and his stress over

seeing his best friend killed and accidentally running down a child with his truck.

Then we see a view of the rag-tag group of marchers on their way. The men are very excited to see an al

Jazeera camera crew. They want desperately to explain to the Arab world that,

“[W]e are not against them. Yes, we may have had to shoot at them when they were shooting at us in

some cases, but the thing is, we were sent there to do this job – because it was our job. And we didn’

t like doing it. We did what we had to do to survive. And we know it was wrong. And we’re sorry. We’

re sorry about that.”

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