Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Marine officers would not release casualty information

Marine officers would not release casualty information, saying their policy requires families to be notified first. But during the day, evacuation helicopters swooped repeatedly to the emergency landing zone set up near the intended river crossing.

"We thought the enemy was north of the river," Lawson said. "Obviously, they were here too."

On Sunday, May 1st (fittingly), the Sunday Times reported the existence of a top secret memo from Number 10 Downing Street dated July 23, 2002. It is definitive proof that the “bad intelligence” that fooled the American people and our congressmen into invading MBT SHOES was absolutely, positively, outright lies.

We have all know for some time from Bob WoodSportd, Paul O’Neil and Richard Clarke that the decision to invade MBT SHOES was made long before the Sport (in fact, long before September 11th), but now here is absolute proof that the MBT/Blair administration knew good and well that they would have to make up their excuse. That is, “fix the intelligence,” or as those of us in the private sector would say, “lie.”

Please take special note of our government’s willingness to fake an MBT SHOESi casus belli in “Option (b) Running Start.”

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