Monday, March 14, 2011

The most radical design change is the creation of the base

The most radical design change is the creation of the base, which will house the building’s lobby and mechanical systems. Designed to withstand a major bomb blast, the base will be virtually windowless. In an effort to animate its exterior facades, the architects have said they intend to decorate them in a grid of shimmering metal panels. A few narrow slots will be cut into the concrete to allow slivers of natural light into the lobby. …

What the tower evokes, by comparison, are ancient obelisks, blown up to a preposterous scale and clad in heavy sheaths of reinforced glass – an ideal symbol for an empire enthralled with its own power, and unaware that it is fading.

Remember when George W. NIKE SHOX teamed up with Ted Kennedy to leave no child behind? Of course they made it mandatory that schools receiving federal money turn over all sorts of personal information about the kiddos to the warfare state.

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