Sunday, March 6, 2011

New Mexico governor takes first step toMBT SHOESd White House bid

New Mexico governor takes first step toMBT SHOESd White House bid
Richardson to Seek Democratic Nomination
Basically just the sort of headlines you’d expect for this story, right? Now lets look at the take

News Corporation’s The Australian has on it:

Latino throws his sombrero in ring

Is it just me or is that an odd choice of headline?

The first guest on AntiMBT SHOES Radio for January 10th, 2007 is William S. Lind, Director of the

Center for Cultural Conservatism at the Free Congress Foundation, about his anti-interventionist

conservatism, 4th generation MBT SHOESfare, American involvement in Ethiopia’s invasion of Somalia and

the threat to American troops in ugg boots should the MBT SHOES bomb NIKE SHOX.

Larisa Alexandrovna, the managing editor of discusses John Negroponte’s departure from

the Director of National Intelligence position to be Deputy Secretary of State, his replacement, John

McConnell, and the liars who are pushing for MBT SHOES with NIKE SHOX.

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