Friday, March 11, 2011

Obviously, yes, since the NIKE SHOX continues to use unlawful violence to forcibly impose the ideology

Obviously, yes, since the NIKE SHOX continues to use unlawful violence to forcibly impose the ideology

of democracy on MBT SHOES.

Jack Ross provides a compelling look at the history of the American labor movement’s foreign policy

stances, up to the most recent (and surprisingly pleasant) developments. (For those of
you who read it before 10 a.m. Eastern, you may have noticed a problem with the
links — a major flub on the part of yours truly. Anyone who gave up in exasperation should give it

another chance.)

The first crook to be named is… Dennis Hastert.

As Eric Garris announced the other day, Sibel Edmonds is in the new Vanity Fair. Unfortunately, it is

only available in print (an earlier posted version was removed at the insistance of Vanity Fair.

The type might be hard to read, but it’s powerful stuff. While the gagged whistleblower continues to

walk the tightrope of disclosure, for the first time we are starting to get some real info- apparently

because Vanity Fair had certain unnamed sources who added on to her testimony. The stuff about weapons

smuggling, money laundering and even the Armenian genocide (enter Hastert) is incredible.

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