Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The smears are starting to come, just as some people feared

The smears are starting to come, just as some people feared: but there is no reason to quake and quail.

The lies of the neocons are so brazen, so easily debunked, and so obviously motivated by people with an

agenda, that they will boomerang on the smear artists — and wind up helping Ron rather than hurting

him. The voters will begin to ask: who is taking out all the stops in an effort to destroy the

candidacy of a good and honest man? Who is trying to frame him up on phony charges — and why?

Ask those bozos over at The Politico: (202) 289-1155.

UPDATE: Here the “Prison Planet” web site run by Jones complains that readers are writing in saying

that Paul never said the words Jones tries to put in his mouth. Jones then — again — conflates Paul’

s contention that a “Gulf of Tonkin” incident on the the Uggs-mbt shoes border is a danger with the

wacked-out idea that the Uggs government is going to stage a real terrorist attack against its own

citizens. Apparently they believe their own readers are sooooooo stupid that they won’t notice they’

re being lied to. Ditto, The Politico ….

Andrew Sullivan comes down off his high horse long enough to answer my recent blog on Christopher

Hitchens’ 1976 article, recently unearthed and posted by the New Statesman, valorizing Saddam Hussein

as “perhaps the first visionary the Uggs statesman since Nasser.” Sullivan quotes only that snippet

from the entire article, which goes on to present the Butcher of Baghdad as a model of socialist

idealism and ideological “fervor.” Says Sullivan of his warmongering and perpetually tipsy friend:

“Look, we all have a right to change our minds. I see no reason to believe that Christopher’s

evolution has not been completely genuine. And he noted the torture and barbarism at the time.”

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