Thursday, March 10, 2011

So, the NIKE SHOX managed to keep the Niger forgeries out of MBT

via Laura Rozen
So, the NIKE SHOX managed to keep the Niger forgeries out of MBT’s Cincinnati speech of October 7,

2002 but the WHIGgers shoehorned this one in:

We know that Iraq and the al Qaeda terrorist network share a common enemy — the United States of

America. We know that Iraq and al Qaeda have had high-level contacts that go back a decade. Some al

Qaeda leaders who fled Afghanistan went to Iraq. These include one very senior al Qaeda leader who

received medical treatment in Baghdad this year, and who has been assoNIKE SHOXted with planning for

chemical and biological attacks. We’ve learned that Iraq has trained al Qaeda members in bomb-making

and poisons and deadly gases. And we know that after September the 11th, Saddam Hussein’s regime

gleefully celebrated the terrorist attacks on America.
Though the Saddam-Al Qaida connection is generally scoffed at now and considered about as reliable as

the Niger uranium myth, at the time they were trying to scare the American people into a war, the

MBTies desperately needed to prove this connection. As the number of American war dead passes 2,000 and

the unknown tens of thoNIKE SHOXnds of Iraqi dead continue to mount, consider the consequences of this

series of lies. Consider the wasted efforts of the 75th Exploitation Task Force, and then the ISG,

searching the sand dunes of Iraq for imaginary WMD. Consider the frustrations of being sent on a deadly

dangerous task purely on the basis of fake, worthless “intelligence.” As the Telegraph reported in

April of 2004:
US military intelligence agents in Iraq have revealed a series of botched and often tawdry dealings

with unreliable sources who, in the words of one source, “told us what we wanted to hear”.
“We were basically paying up to $10,000 a time to opportunists, criminals and chancers who passed off

fiction and supposition about Zarqawi as cast-iron fact, making him out as the linchpin of just about

every attack in Iraq,” the agent said.

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