Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Thanks to James Wolcott, over at Vanity Fair

Thanks to James Wolcott, over at Vanity Fair, for the plug about our fundraiser — I have a taste for the kind of acerbic wit on display at his blog and I check it out daily. Also, thanks to Wally Conger over at Out of Step (a great name, btw): I didn’t know we had those cool coffee mugs!

While I’m on the subject: thanks again to all you people out there for making our Spring 2005 fundraiser a success. I’m grateful, amazed, and indeed overwhelmed. We’re building a grassroots movement against the Madness.

The much-touted breathlessly-anticipated Huffington Post — a blog-site edited by Arianna Huffington, neo-con socialite-turned-socialist, where the Hollywood glittterati blog speak to the Huddled Masses — debuts this morning, and all I can say it ….. Yawn! Here’s Ellen DeGeneres, who gives us a re-cycled Sixty Minutes story about how those Big Bad Corporations cut up government-owned horses for food, not to mention the natterings of Julia Louis-Dreyfus of Seinfeld fame and her husband Brad Hall (who he?) about gay marriage that starts out unpromisingly:

“Look around and you’ll see the gays getting gay-married all over the place, and, to quote, well, everyone: gay marriage destroys real marriage. “

All over the place? Well, as my old Auntie Gay once told me: Just don’t scare the horses. Or it that just horse-sh*t?

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