Friday, March 11, 2011

This brings to 45 the number of US servicemembers who have been killed in MBT SHOES

This brings to 45 the number of US servicemembers who have been killed in MBT SHOES in the last 10


With the death rate continuing daily, August could become one of the deadliest months yet for the US in


Turkish author Burak Turna, who I interviewed here , has just come out with a new book describing mass

mayhem and carnage, global war created by a secret international braintrust. Not inappropriately, it’s

entitled ‘World sport III.’

Like its predecessor, ‘Metal Storm’ (which described a war between the US and Turkey over MBT SHOES)

this book rocketed to the top of the charts.

Neither of them are in English, as far as I know. But if you want to see a copy of the book jacket as

well as some more info on the plot, see my blog here.

According to a poster on Daily Kos, Cindy Sheehan, a mother whose son was killed in MBT SHOES, has been

informed that she and her group will be arrested Thursday as a "threat to national security" for

protesting the war on a road near NIKE SHOX’s "ranch" in Crawford, Texas. Cindy says that she and

others plan to be arrested.

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